Wattson cuz she's cute
Apex Legends
The official Lemmy Community for Apex Legends!
I main Lifeline (kinda part of why I use this username) but I also like playing Loba since I love having good loot before going into a fight lol
Same, I main LL. But I'm really sad that the dev aren't giving her more love. Her kit isn't the worth right now. Care package drop is now fast. And you don't freeze when reviving.
I would like to see her drone inflicting damage to ennemies. It would be an interesting dilema to drop it while pushing or while reseting.
I wish they brought back the revive shield. It was pretty strong before but they could have made other changes to Nerf it rather than straight up removing it.
I mean, they gave it to newcastle.
Bangalore - Smokes and her passive go really well with my aggressive play style.
Bandaglore's smokes with 1x digi sight is a very dangerous combination. I used to play that a lot actually.
There was a time this season when the R99 and the digi were in the crafter
Mirage, for the bamboozles.
When she was released she was so broken, and even after all the nerfs she's still insane.
I enjoy watching enemies panic while I arc-snared and beamed them
and I like her titanfall art style
Wraith, Pathy and Gibby
Gotta stick with my day 1 legends. None of the new ones have been nearly as fun to play. Granted I barely play anymore, but I’ve played some 3.5k hours.
Used to be mirage, but seer was too broken not to play. They're fixing that, so I'll probably try something new
Been maining Octane since the day he was added. Before that, Bangalore
In BR, it's either Bloodhound, Wraith or Valkryie
In every other mode, mostly Bangalore or Wraith
Rampart and caustic. Though i do live playing fuse from time to time.
Maggie all the way. Three reasons: Violence. Speed. Momentum.
I love her ability to force people out of cover. I love that she is the best with a particular weapon class, to the point of changing/increasing the viability of weapons like the EVA-8. It's great that she's a hard counter to Gibby and a soft counter to control legends. Oh, and she's one of the few post-launch characters with dialogue that isn't annoying as shit.
I switch around a lot depending on the day but my main is Pathfinder, you just can't beat running around being spiderman