Google is just like every other company. They had an innovative workplace model going a good while ago, but they never were anything more than a company.
Tech News
What is this?
A new place to discuss Tech News
- No NSFW content
- No conspiracy theory articles
- No politics unless it involves tech
- Don't be mean!
- Nothing illegal can be posted here because it's illegal!
- Follow the post guidelines which are pinned in the community
Who runs this lemmy community?
Me! Sandro Linux, a youtuber who does tech news videos as well as other tech videos
Will any of these articles be used in your show?
If they are good yes :)
Google hasn't been Google for a long time. It makes me sad.
it has been google.
its been like this for a while now.
gong public does that to a company.
In other news: the Pope is Catholic.
And all the foosball tables become prison amenities.
there's no protection from a company becoming like any other without a union
Google has always been really bad. Their passive protection of fascists and active suppression of those calling out the fascists is so bad that people would routinely get their take-down videos removed for hate speech because they sampled clips from nazi propaganda channels that are still up and monetized to this day. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of google being actively fascist as fuck. The only reason why breadtube took off despite anything left-of-hitler being shadowbanned to shit is because bringing large amounts of people from other platforms overrides that, a stipulation that was first put in place to allow 4chan to take over the website back in the pre-2016 era.