Wow they got this list completely wrong...ffs IT at #2? Shining at #1? Have these idiots even read King?
The drawing of the 3 is #1.. Fight me.
Night shift a close second.
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Wow they got this list completely wrong...ffs IT at #2? Shining at #1? Have these idiots even read King?
The drawing of the 3 is #1.. Fight me.
Night shift a close second.
Ranked and in Order
As opposed to ranking them and listing them in a random order.
I've read probably 90% of everything he published.
IT is definitely up there. I feel like a lot of the others were probably a lot more shocking at the time they came out, which was before my time.
King's grandest opus is the Dark Tower, especially the former half of the collection, but ALSO all the other books and stories that tie in with that universe (like Insomnia etc). I'm also an avid reader of his short stories, some of which are more bizarre and 'special' than his full feature works. Plenty of those have spawned decent movies or series in their own right (and some failed miserably, but not due to King's writing).
I feel like the only person who absolutely hated IT and found it a complete slog to get through. It has all of King's worst habits of over-characterisation and needless waffle. Combine that with some very weird story elements that were introduced near the end of the book more as shock value than any meaningful addition to the plot, and it's just over 1,000 pages of tedium.
You mean you didn’t find the pre teen orgy in the sewer to be a worthy plot point?
I’m with you, it was tedious to get through.
I much prefer the new movies to the book.
I hated Pet Semetary. Regardless of the disturbing content, I thought the writing was terrible. Maybe I was too young when I read it, but it was one of the few books I've ever stopped reading before finishing. I just had zero interest in it, and I've read everything he wrote up until 2007.
That said, it was still better than Gerald's Game.
I'm surprised The Stand isn't on here, even with its terrible ending.
The stand is for sure top 5 for me. I don't know why but it really resonated with me. I enjoyed a lot of the characters
Agreed. I loved that book when I was younger. Still do I guess.
I'm currently reading The Shining for the first time, and it's the only Stephen King book I've read. But it's really good, I might read IT next.
Do share your review once you are done with it.
I can do that. I was mostly interested in reading it because I love the movie, but I heard that King hated it. So I wanted to read the book and see what the differences were.
The Talisman and along with it The Black House doesn't get enough love
The Talisman started good, but I felt it kind of boggled down during mid story and the end didnt hit as hard as it should.
I always hoped for a third book which both Straub and King had planned for (although Straub had said he won't be able to keep up with King anymore), but with the passing of Straub this will never be.
#1. The Shining.
#10. The Shining 2.
Fair enough list, but Dr. Sleep doesn't deserve a slot.