
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Nice. Recently got Eisenhorn omnibus, my first foray into W40K books. Haven't started it yet though.

Assuming I like the series, any recommendations where to next after that?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Thanks for the info!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Does it require any knowledge of the Civil War?


Finished The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson. Book 1 of 2nd era of Mistborn. This was a very interesting book. Set about 300 years after the first era. The changes in the world, and to learn about some of the characters, it was all very interesting, and I am very glad that I re-read the first era before reading this.

Finished Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton. The book was surprisingly good. I quite enjoyed it, and it didn't even feel old.

My kid is already on book 5. So, highly recommended your for your 9-12 year olds.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are ~~still 6 months remaining~~ only 5 months to go!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Hehe, glad to see you rediscovering your favourite music.

I think I am done with Abercrombie, as much as I like his books, he is too cruel to his characters. Let me know if Devils is any different, but I doubt so.

Well, the second era isn't as dreary, so that's a big plus for me. I do miss the complete badass-ness and power of Vin and Kelsier though. But I have just read the first book yet, so let's see how it progresses. Liking Wayne quite a bit. He is weird. 😀

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I have heard they changed somethings in the show, and all my friends seem to love it. (None of them have read the books)

I haven't watched it yet though, don't watch much shows anyways, and wanted to read the books first even if I do watch it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I was just thinking about messaging you the other day, to see where you disappeared to!

Will look up Binti novellas. How's Down With the System?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Oh, that seems annoying. It's like changing the actors after 4 or 5 seasons but keeping them same character, would feel pretty jarring,

I do understand that it might be difficult to keep the same cast for such a long series, though.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Ah, okay. Thanks for the input.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Well, good luck!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Thanks for the review, will add it to my list.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Is this one of those where the show is better than the book?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Thanks for the info, I'll take a look.


Had a busy week, wasn't able to read much. Couldn't even go through all the responses from last week's thread.

Still reading Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton. I have read first 40 pages or so, and the book hold up pretty well. I am enjoying what I am reading, and my kid is loving them too.

Also started The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson. Book 1 of 2nd era of Mistborn. I don't start multiple books at a time, but I had to go somewhere where I would have few hours free, and I realised I would finish the Famous Five book in an hour or so, and didn't want to take multiple books, so took Alloy of Law with me.

I am about half-way done, and it's interesting to see how the world has evolved, and the myths / history of the world. Also the changes in allomancy are interesting. Looking forward to finishing it soon.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are ~~still 6 months remaining~~ only 5 months to go!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Finished The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson. The climax and resolutions was really good, even on my 2nd re-read. Finally done with the first era! Wanted to jump right into next book to find out what happens to that one character, but next book is hundreds of years in the future.

Started Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton. Got the series for the kid, he is already halfway through the book and wanted to talk to me about it, so reading it myself.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Welcome back after the holidays! Hope you had a good time, and your new year is starting well!

I didn't get much time to read, so still reading The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson. Third and final book the of Mistborn series (first era).

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.

State of the Sanderson 2024 (www.brandonsanderson.com)

It's end of another year. And like always, new year means new journal! So, how are you changing your journal?

  • What are you keeping in your journal?
  • What are you adding?
  • What are you removing?

My journal is pretty stable and very minimal. Other than a monthly budget spread, it's pretty much the official method without any significant changes.

What about all of you?


Finished Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore. It was a fine book, enjoyed reading it, at least the latter half.

Started The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson. Third and final book the of Mistborn series, well the first era anyway. This is quite a dreary book, but it concludes everything so that's good.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

Just a note, next weekly thread falls on 31st Dec, so we are going to skip that, see you in week after that, in 2025!

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Finished The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. Book 2 in the Mistborn series. What I remembered of the ending, was actually 100 pages before the actual end, so was fun reading that.

Currently Reading Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore. Didn't like the start, but I am about halfway through and enjoying it now. It says it's "comedy horror", but I am just not getting the comedy part, which is probably why I didn't like the start, I think. The story itself is interesting enough though.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?


There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Still reading The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. Book 2 in the series. I am more than halfway through, so should be able to finish it this week.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?


There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Read Die Trying by Lee Child. Book 2 of Jack Reacher series. It was a fun book, though I wasn't fan of how passive Reacher was in most of the book, most of the action happens near the end. Was hoping for more action throughout the book. Still fun though, going to get more of these.

Now, continuing with my Mistborn re-read. Started The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. It's Book 2 in the series, and for some reason I don't recall much of what happens in this one. While I didn't recall the details of the first one either, I recalled most of the plot, for this one though, I only remember the ending, and maybe one other scene. Everything else I thought happened in 2, would happen in 3. So, looking forward to reading it and finding out!

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

(No bingo squares this week)


There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.

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