“Ok, now I figured out the pattern, I know what this fucker is gonna do, this’ll be a piece of cake!”
Proceed to get murdered in half the time.
Let's start up the meme factory again, FromSluts!
For trashposting and memes about Souls games developed by FromSoft.
Be civil and don't make me write rules here.
“Ok, now I figured out the pattern, I know what this fucker is gonna do, this’ll be a piece of cake!”
Proceed to get murdered in half the time.
This is genuinely why i don't like souls likes. I can be good. I can learn a lot. But ultimately, it's this cycle almost every single boss. Almost win first time, then get murdered two or three time while you learn the pattern. Then when you think you've got it they throw out a modified version of a move that your used to avoiding but has something extra on it. And then the other half of the time I get killed by something that's not technically random bullshit but feels like bullshit. And i just hate that gameplay loop. Nothing wrong with the game i just dont enjoy its core loop lol
I wonder if they program them to appear easier the first time, but still programmed to kill you before they die. I've seen a lot of games being developed where the developers talk about doing shit like this to "enhance" the experience.
One that really stood out to me was health bars in the red when you were still at 40% health.
Everything is deception.
A lot of the dark souls bosses have some cutscenes or intros the first time that position them and the player somewhere different than when you return through the fog wall for round 2.
Since most of the bosses act on your position, just that difference can make round 2 feel way different.
That may play a part but I think it's more so everyone plays more patient and cautiously in the first encounter and that is kind of the style of play that Dark Souls requires. The second time around we get more impatient and aggressive and get punished hard for it.
Most fights are easier when you're more aggressive imo, the issue is at first go I just frantically dodge roll from everything that looks like an attack while afterwards I don't thinking I'm out of range while I'm not. There are also the attacks that only trigger if you get close enough or in other specific situations that get you once you think you know the moveset
No I don't think so, this is something ive experienced in many games since I was little. My theory is this, you get into a boss battle, you don't know what's happening, you're acting on instinct, then you get to a tricky last part and die.
You load back up, you're still full of adrenaline, you're reeling from what happened. Your lizard brain is fighting with your human brain in a battle of control vs strategy and you're overthinking tactics, which dont mesh well with the beginning part of the fight.
You continue this cycle a few more times until you can finally just do the first part on pure practice and focus the actual strategy on the last part. A few more deaths there to apply it correctly and youve beaten the boss
This is such a well-known phenomenon that it needs to be seriously studied somehow.
It's the bell curve.
To a certain extent not knowing what you're doing can be helpful. It makes you unpredictable. The second time you know what to expect so you're actually strategizing instead of acting on instinct.
I've definitely noticed in myself that sometimes I get into a groove where I don't really even think about what I'm doing, just reacting to each thing the boss does as it happens and somehow not thinking real hard about it improves performance.
Japanese martial arts practitioners can spend years achieving that state. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushin_%28mental_state%29
Well what are they wasting their time for? I do it on caffeine, a large pizza, and a comfortable couch. /jk
Ya guys are needing assistance? Pathetic, I just use my Autism and trauma.
I've learned the more time I have to think the more likely I am to fuck up.
I can't play dark souls but can play devil may cry on the hardest difficulties.
I just lean into it at this point. Round 1 is for getting a feel for the fight. Rounds 2-58 are for trying stuff out to see what works and where I should be aggressive vs cautious.
Yup and then load fextralife to study their weaknesses..
Hilarious. I thought I was the only one.
Margit, super close my first time. Then failing six times. Then succeeding. Then trash talking.
Watch out for that cliff AAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
Why is the first go always the best?
Because the first go you don't know what's going to happen. You are making split second decisions in real time.
Second go, you hesitant because "his big sword move is coming any second!". Then, still get hit by big sword move because you haven't gotten the timing down. You just think you do and you time it wrong.
Better to not know what's coming and react, than know what is coming and react poorly.
Best guess as to why this happens is that your nerves are on edge the first few times. You don't know what to expect, you're watching the boss very closely because you don't know what they can do, you really want to brag to your friends that you "killed so and so first try".
Even as early as a second try, especially when you got close and have therefore assessed the boss as "easy", you relax a bit and start to think you know what's coming. And that's when you've really got to learn the fight for real.
Cries in elden ring.
I was trying to get god apostle yesterday and this was my exact story.
Finally on like the millionth try i got him dead when I power onehit killed him when he was 1/8 life. I was at one sliver of life left and at that point I was fully expecting to die and gave up drinking potions, prepared to start again.
This is why watching your stamina meter is almost more important than the health.
If it makes ya feel any better the gods skins suck ass and im pretty sure veryone hates them.
Having started Sekiro yesterday this is indeed true.
Sekiro is a great game. Have fun!
Thanks!! I will try :)
It’s my first Souls game so fun hasn’t been the only emotion I’ve had so far hahaha
I believe it!
It's my favorite of all of them for many reasons, but I also think it's the hardest one. Best advice I can give is to embrace the challenge and don't be down on yourself when something feels impossible at first.
It's a beautifully made game.
Will do
I hit some blockers at first but I searched a bit and in one of them I was missing something and it’s also kind of bullshit according to the community. So at least there’s that
I’m excited for the challenge
I also recommend elden ring for similar experience