I love Souls games with a good parry system. Once you got good with parrying in the original Dark Souls it felt like a cheat code it was so strong. I loved Sekiro for bringing that feeling back. The ascetic, soundtrack, and bosses were also amazing.
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Sekiro is probably the closest to a perfect game I’ve ever played. I wasn’t a fan of the chained ogre or raging bull but that’s pretty much it
We're quite small in numbers and could use your participation if you're interested in discussing Sekiro.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]
Thank you bot
Good bot. Thanks.
Oh I already posted on the Sekiro community as well. Was just trying to test out the cross posting feature.
Yea, I know. I was more so informing others who might not be in the know yet. Thanks for cross-posting. :)
Yeah no worries. Sorry, still getting used to the crosspost stuff, so should have mentioned the Sekiro community.
Dude, no worries at all. The communities are rather small still, so we're bound to run into each other more often than not in communities with similar interests. I can take care of the advertising - not your job. :D
Looking forward to checking out this community! It’s probably my favourite game
Awesome! Submissions are a tad limited but be the change you want to see in world or something lol
Definitely! Made a post there (cross-posted from a post I made here). I could say the same to you, feel free to make some posts on patientgamers too!
Thanks a bunch, will do. Made a post on a different PG instance already, might just cross-post.
Awesome, looking forward to reading it!
Just posted. :)
I'm just discovering it myself - I think I'm getting towards the end but I don't really know.
I've only played Bloodborne previously, and everything I heard about Sekiro made me think it would be a better fit for me then the rest of the Souls / elden Ring games - I get overwhelmed with too much choice, and prefer a more focused experience where the only way to get better is to get better.
And my god do I love it. Not even a genre of game I'd usually go for and it's becoming one of the best games I've ever played. It just feels so damn good when you start flowing with the intended mechanics.
Can't remember the last time I was looking forward to my next session with a game so consistently during the whole playthrough.
I got stuck on undead harambe and always told myself I'd come back. That was a couple of years ago now and I think at this point I'd have to start from the beginning.
I'm in exactly the same position. Can't see me ever finishing it now sadly, but what an experience!
It's always hard when you leave a game. I left Sekiro for a bit over a month. The only reason I went back to it was because I was waiting for another game to install and thought I'd load it up again. I'm glad I did, because I didn't drop it after that.
One of the most difficult but most fulfilling games I've ever played. Congrats on finishing it!
Sekiro is the only game in this franchise/series I have been unable to beat 😭
I simply cannot get passed Owl.
Which Owl? I spent a lot of time on a couple bosses, sometimes it clicks and sometimes it doesn't. If you keep at it you'll eventually get into a pattern.
Pretty sure it's the first one. When he asks if you want to side with him or the child, and he attacks if you choose the child. If there's an earlier encounter, I must've missed it.
No that's the first encounter. He's hard, but it's just a matter of learning the move set. You can do it!
I spent over an hour on one of the other bosses. I'm not good. I still managed to do it haha.
You can also look up some guides. Not to cheese him, but to help you get a look at the move sets so you aren't in the thick of it while you're trying to learn them.
I just spent a couple of hours, maybe more, on one boss. I'm not used to this genre in general (souls or any combat games really) and I'm determined to do it without looking up any guides or videos or anything.
It is so damn satisfying to go from "What?? I can't even get close, I dont seem to be able to deflect or dodge these attacks and I can't tell one move from the other seemingly infinite amount of moves wtf" to just flowing through the first phase on the way to just barely getting through the rest alive
What a game
Owl took me a while too. The main thing that helped for me was going back to the drawing board on a lot of his moves, and experimenting - I won't go into specifics unless you ask me to, but there are a lot more openings for attacking him than I initially thought
I am not a big Souls fan but I loved Sekiro! It was great nit having to manage a wide arsenal of weapons. Not to mention the amazing atmosphere, I think people who love Japanese mythology would all enjoy this gem.