I know the Tesla Tower isn't "good". But I love the idea of just zapping the shit out of anything that gets too close. Being a team killing machine is just a bonus.
Helldivers 2
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People spent too much energy and focus on 'what's good' that they forget to have fun. My mates and I bring whatever we feel like in missions. We run on 7 most times sometimes we crank it up to 9 for the heck of it.
Biggest reason I don't do multiplayer any more. Even when it's not competative, there's always at least one piece of shit more interested in angrily grinding out wins than having fun.
Yep the competitiveness in games is beyond me. Well in this game, so far, I have noticed very little about that.
Not my experience at all. I played almost exclusively with randoms, and I have yet to find someone bitching about someone's stratagems. And I just today ran the tesla tower a bunch of times on helldive difficulty, because I recently bought the tier 4 upgrade for an extra lightning arc and wanted to see how it works out (9/10 times it gets destroyed quickly, but on one occasion I got over 50 kills with a single one dropped near a fresh bug tunnel spewing out lots of small ones so there's that)
I feel the same way about it. Most of the time it's killed instantly and wasted. But when it works, it fucking works.
I speak in general and not about Helldivers 2. Obviously if I avoid multiplayer games, I'm not going to play the new hotness that's ONLY multiplayer.
My experience is the opposite. I usually end up talking on voice to let teammates know what's up.. and this helps a lot .. even if most don't talk back they hear it.
But I disabled cross play several patches ago and have not looked back..maybe that's a thing? I play on steam btw.
LoL at all teammates that walk into it after you verbally warn them... Because they disabled voice.
No sympathy!
Especially like my dumbass the first time I saw one. I walked up to it to check it out, insta death. My teammate who watched found it hilarious
Lmao. "What is this? OOOOOOH GOD!"