this post was submitted on 06 May 2024
46 points (100.0% liked)
Female Athletes
321 readers
1 users here now
Pictures, gifs/webm, and videos of female athletes
1. Instance-wide rules applied
- Be familiar with the instance-wide rules on the homepage sidebar before doing anything
2. The title is the name of the person and the profession
- Ex : "Alessia Russo [Footballer]"
- Profession in the title is necessary maybe until a "flair"-like feature has been added to Lemmy
3. Only pictures, gifs/webm, or videos
- No text posts.
- Direct links only. No blog posts, spam, etc
- No links from Imgur, Reddit, and Gfycat
4. No leaked/fake/private content
- No leaks of any kind. Also, content from private social media (revenge porn)
5. Mark NSFW if applied
- Nudes, bikinis, underwear, panties, nipples, etc.
- Subtle/Big Cleavages still in the SFW area
- Sports Bra and similar still in the SFW area
- Pokies are still in the SFW area
- Safely see-through when/not attending an event still in the SFW area (except showing clearly nipples, mini underwear, etc)
- If in doubt, mark it
6. Be polite and respectful
7. No low quality and massive reposts
- Low quality is OK if the content is very old/rare
- No borders, watermarks, etc. Heavy-filtered content is also forbidden
- No reposts from "Top All Time" 20
- No reposts from the Top 6 posts that appear from creating a new post
Instead of deleting your post/comment, you can edit them. In case you didn't put the correct link, title, etc
These rules are here to make sure everyone is having fun and maintains the quality content of the community
Thanks for your contribution
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- Make sure to enable "Show NSFW posts" in your Settings
- Make sure to mark both “English” and “Undetermined” in your allowed languages. So you can see all the posts (Rule of Thumb : Allowed All Languages)
- Any action from mods/admin regarding your contribution (posts, comments, etc) can be seen at Modlog
- If there is any question/suggestion about this community you can message the mods
founded 1 year ago