Was hoping for a meatier economy update, but I guess that's the one coming soon. Like the new caps though ๐
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It's great they increased the caps, but at the same time those materials won't go to the Postmaster anymore if you're at the cap. So if you play multiple characters you can actually store less, not more.
And it's not like they take up physical space anyway, it's just bits on Bungie's servers. Besides FOMO and maximizing engagement, is there any reason for the cap not being 2^64^?
eh, its annoying to have to swap characters to store everything optimally. i would have probably pushed the caps a bit higher to compensate for the lack of postmaster, but this is much better for players who even only play 1 character.
Yeah, overall, it's a good change, but it's just never a good look when the final optics of a change leave you with less than you had before.
it's only less if you played more than 2 characters. otherwise its neutral or a buff.