Check Dave's Garden ( ) for seed catalogs. They also have reviews and discussion forums.
You should only buy plants,- is my understanding. There is an old man in the mountains of North Caroline who grows and sells it and many other rare plants. I think he has a YT channel and I don't recall his name. Most 'wasabi' these days is made from horseradish (easy to grow) and only expensive restaurants in Japan offer real wasabi. It is very hard to grow, needs rather exacting conditions such as moisture and light. If you like Japanese medicinals or foraged foods, there is (somewhere) a couple of excellent guides to it and in English with a bit of hiragana and kanji thrown in. Sorry, broke that thumbdrive, so have no file names or links. {I love many Japanese things including the food} There is at least one decent small Japanese seed company in CA that also sells a few plants. Again, I don't know the name(s). I might be willing to ship you all of my seeds (some are rather old, but have been stored well enough, so may grow). I lost my house to unpaid property taxes, so no longer have a place to grow. I have some Asian seeds (mainly greens) and all are open-pollinated. I don't foresee having a garden for many years and was wondering who would appreciate and use my beloved seeds. Most are harder to get and all are edible to some degree - even if just the flowers.
Sadly I live in a third world country so I can't get access to rare plants like this one, so my only option is to buy seeds, there's no way a wasabi plant can survive an international flight with the customs waiting time in my country.
And, yes, I know it is very hard to grow but I currently have an hydroponic set up which I'm planning to adapt for wasabi use, where I can have a really controlled environment. If you ever get those guides let me know, I understand a bit of Japanese so I might be able to read it.
Regarding your seeds, it would be pretty nice, but I think it's illegal to do that to where I live because of environmental laws or some shit like that, the seeds I'm going to buy are going to be bought by someone else and brought to me when they travel here. :/
It is illegal and I have far to many to send overseas. I did, however, get some (illegally) sent from Asia. Me and a Chinese woman traded small amounts in legal-sized envelopes. Anything bigger would've been searched. I planted and grew her double-flowered pea-type plant this year. It is the one with the blue flowers used to color drinks in China.
Word of warning - seeds can get held up at customs because they can transmit crop diseases. I would look for somewhere that ships from my country to avoid delays and fees.
There's no place in my country because is shit, but someone from a first world country is going to buy them, and they're going to bring them to me when they come here for travel, hopefully the people at the airport won't stop him.
why not buy them irl?
There are no place to buy them where I live. :/
yeah whod thought that the entire world isnt the us, huh?
i disagree
but im also not am*rican
It looks like shipping cuttings is the norm.
Well, yeah cuttings are generally faster and better (but more expensive), but that only works if you're living withing the US, otherwise it will die. Also I need to be able to document the whole process from seedling to harvesting so it's not an option. :/
I found these, but unsure on whether they are a scam or not.
Gurneys is legit. My mom has been getting their magazine since I was a kid. I had no idea they were still around.