For my part, to get Jellyfin to recognize some of my shows/movies properly I had to export the Metadata which properly detected most. If that doesn't work Jellyfin might be ignoring them due to decoding issues. Would be worth checking the log while rescanning to see if there's an error or access issue.
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Interesting is that I see absolutely no errors in the logs. Some folders it explicitly mentions it ignored them for being empty while they actually contain files. Not sure why.
Files need to be executable iirc, verify permission and compare permissions from a file that is shown in your library from a file that isn't.
This is not correct. Movie files do not need to be executable, and never should be! Not that movie files being executable will cause problems, but it's possible to imagine a scenario where an attacker could exploit it, especially if the files are owned by root. Extremely unlikely, but I work in IT and always think about security :)
You might be thinking of directories, which do need the executable permission to let a user/group/all be able to read its contents.
Yes good point, sorry, directory should be executable, files don't have to be.
Thank you for pointing it out!
Interesting. Thanks for that. I ran a chmod +x --recursive .
in my library root but still those files won't show up in Jellyfin.
Edit: I just found this link about file naming. Did I understand well that Jellyfin is expecting files to be named in a certain way?
If that's true that's not really ideal, I expected I could just throw files or folders in the library root and Jellyfin would find them?
You should remove the executable permission, see my other reply. Movie files should never be executable, but directories should be.
chmod -R -x+X *
should do the trick, that will remove the executable permission on all files, and set it on directories.
Jellyfin will find all files, naming files is for when jellyfin needs to fetch metadata, if your file is not named correctly, jellyfin might struggle to find its correct metadata.
Also, look if there are not weird chars in filename, for example emoji, weird unicode and stuff, I don't think that's the issue here but maybe?
Also, for permission check if all files have the same user:group permission
So I realized, those files were in a "Concerts" type of library. I copied the files into my "Movies" type library, and alas there they are.
Not sure why though, I can work with that, but I'd prefer they would be in their own library.
Is there anything special with that kind of library I should know about? Or is this a bug?
Concerts ? this seems like an plugin to me. You can just create a second Movie library ?
Lol ok your comment just made me realize my mistake, and I'd probably never see it and just go back to Plex instead.
So what happened is that when I imported my Plex library to Jellyfin I created a library named "Concerts" and content type I probably intended to click "Shows" but clicked "Music" instead which I'm guessing at this point expects only audio files, thus, never listing my concerts files on Jellyfin :)
That said, I think "Shows" is probably also not the correct content type here, I think they meant more like TV shows, like The Office or Friends etc. Probably the right content type is either Music Videos or just Movies.
Anyway thanks for the help, I wouldn't have noticed my mistake if it weren't for your comment.