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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/gunit_reddit on 2024-05-11 15:56:39+00:00.
Many Azerbaijani (paid) bots and pro-Aliyev accounts on Twitter, both in English and Turkish, are spreading hate against the ongoing protests. They propose that they should interfere and restore order if the Pashinyan government is taken down. Two observations stand out: First, these individuals were relatively unknown before, but Pashinyan’s government and its actions have emboldened them to express negative sentiments and act assertively. Second, it’s interesting that Turks are worried about pashinians government existence, i mean if the gov is pro national interests, why would they care at all ??!
And to the protests, protests are good in nature to take down pashinian, but honestly, I don’t think a priest can do any better(I think the dude has good intentions unlike pashinian) but still we need a politician, not a gijmard sell out like pash or a priest.