Reversing climate is just like sustainable energy. There will be no one magice cure all. We will have to diversify and deploy several different technologies and techniques.
Breaking news and current events worldwide.
And there is no version of averting the worst possible results of climate change that does not include CCS and DAC, but I've never seen a remotely serious model that relies on either of them being used to do more than bump something a percentage point or two one way or the other.
what about this? (scroll down to the "this could be big" section)
I am innately skeptical of tech startups with huge promises and extremely limited quantifiable field results. Dumping huge quantities of chemically-reactive sand onto global coasts just sounds like it has major potential downsides.
It's promising. There's lots of promising DAC methodologies. We should pursue them.
I find stuff like the CarbonCure/Heirloom partnership more compelling, and even that I think would be foolish to bet heavily on compared to rolling out more wind/solar/EGS along with grid enhancements.
Oh yeah and its more than that. Magically fix global warming does not change the general poisoning of air, sea, and land along with using resources that either are finite or at a rate faster than they can replenish. It was just those things had a hard estimate timeline whereas global warming is a definitive clock. We keep on undersestimating how fast its running but its clearly there.
The next glacial period approaches