commenting to save for later, maybe I'll post some stuff. this is one of the last things i hate about myself so it'd be nice to finally squash it
Trans Voice Help
Hi! This community exists as a place for trans people of all genders (or gender fluidity, or non-binary etc.) to help them overcome the challenges of being able to speak normally as their preferred gender. Upload audio clips, screenshots from analyzers, or what ever you feel like in order to get feedback and help perfected the voice you have into a state where you are comfortable.
These are going to be fairly open, since I trust that most posts here are seeking genuine help.
- No shaming. This should be obvious. People are looking for help and advice here.
- Absolutely no transphobic rhetoric will be tolerated. One warning (with a timeout), then a ban.
- If you post an audio file, keep it SFW. We don't need to hear that stuff.
- Keep criticisms pertinent and overall kind. Part of this whole thing is practice. We shouldn't expect immediate improvement.
- This is a zero politics zone. If you bring them up, goodbye.
- No slurs (I hate that I feel this is necessary)
- If you have negative feedback, do so in a constructively respectful manner while remembering that this kind of thing is a journey and can't be immediate.
- This being the internet, help with voice mod stuff is encouraged. It can make a huge difference for someone with voice dysphoria if others hear them they way they wish to sound.
- These rules are not necessarily exhaustive, and if you are generally a jerk or toll, expect a ban
Welcome! As I find them, I will be linking resources in this sidebar.
A good, free place to upload clips.
An Omega level resource
Hey there <3
Thanks to youuu
You are very welcome! It is gonna take a bit for federation to catch up to my primary account, but I am here as well, so don't worry about that. Glad to have you!
happy to participate
Edit: Deleted my comment but received a reply later, so here it is:
How does this work?
Reply from OP:
To start off, I hope to consolidate as many resources as I can. It may (hopefully) grow into a safe place where people can post progress and request feedback Feedback is really important with this kind of thing, because slow progress is really hard to gauge by yourself. And progress in this area is very slow. In some respects, this community can serve as a long-term archive for people trying to better themselves with uploaded clips, feedback, and the knowledge that noone willjudge them for said progress (and, quite the opposite with hopeful encouragement).
Thank you for making this community ❤️
I hope that Nev has something to share here soon 💝