My gut says you're probably overestimating the low-intensity power draw of the 2050M. I'd say use it for a while and see if the battery life is actually a problem for you before going this route
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I use an RTX 2060 on Fedora and it work very well. Initial setup is not that hard either, just look for instructions in the Fedora docs. And it works mostly perfect on Wayland, but you need to update through GNOME software so the kernel builds the NVIDIA akmod package. Do note though that updating takes longer this way.
I run my 4800hs / 1650 laptop in hybrid mode, it's 'OK' on battery but I bought it used and it's seen some usage (70% health) in its past life. I've been using hyprland for maybe 6 months now and support has only improved with time.
You will run into issues with specific multiplayer titles in a VM, depending on what you plan on playing having a 2nd partition might be the way to go. Some titles won't care being in a VM, some will flat-out refuse to work or kick you after some time, many are compatible out of the box under Linux / Proton.
Supergfxctl is a handy tool for toggling your dedicated card, my laptop is ASUS so I can't be certain on the level of compatibility you may see with said tool.