Google AI search is certainly good for memes
vs Andi AI
Google AI search is certainly good for memes
vs Andi AI
Running with scissors is good exercise if you don't fall, and good for your pores if you do.
To be fair, this could be very make or break for Google. If someone else solves AI search properly, and they can't catch up, it would be really bad for them. G+/Facebook were another market completely so it wasn't really taking any of their current market share.
But I do think they are panicking a bit too much.
Asking Andisearch to generate AI jokes
OK I like the 3rd one actually
Yes, the sense of humor is still somewhat limited in AIs. Anyway, Andi is not designed to tell jokes, but rather to give reliable answers to questions and this it does quite well..
I'm glad I use Qwant...
Google+ was the only one I liked though.
Jokes on you, I just shifted to DDG last week.