I'm a bit more optimistic that they've flown him home, usually a doctor wouldn't allow a serious injury to fly because of the swelling and pressure. Saying that, I'm not a doctor... Hopefully it's a good sign that it's just a few weeks.
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That sucks. Hopefully he recovers well. What does “the first part” of the season mean though? A few weeks? Months?
So do I! It probably purposely vague. They might not yet know either
I just saw somewhere he expected out about two months which is much better than my immediate thoughts for "first part of the season"
Still a big chunk of time out, but I’m glad it isn’t worse
Horrible news. Really unfortunate injury, especially for someone who was looking really good so far in the preseason
Gutted for the lad, was looking so good. Hopefully it won't be too long
has Ten Hag try physically threatened physics for this Injury, yet?