Making the daily a 380mm challenge was just the devs having a laugh at the communities expense.
So... Many... Teamkills...
It we almost dies laughing on comms to.. so excellent!
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Making the daily a 380mm challenge was just the devs having a laugh at the communities expense.
So... Many... Teamkills...
It we almost dies laughing on comms to.. so excellent!
"Let's find out if team kills count towards the daily!"
"Too many enemies died to tell, let's try again!"
My usual fire team can confirm that 380 is one of my favorite stratagems and I have it on me 90% of the time. We didn't notice much of a difference.
Patrol? 380 MM barrage.
Light nest? 380 MM barrage.
Stalker's lair? 380 MM barrage.
Achieving minimum damage with maximum force is the freedom way.
Annoying teammate? 380mm barrage.
I had pulled it out, on extract when I got friendly fired. It was almost a TPK
I threw a 500k against a fabricator and ran away.
A rocket devastator fired a rocket past me, which blew me backwards through the air and I splatted back-first against the side of the fab. Alive, my body slid down the side of the fabricator and hit the ground. Then the 500k impacted. Lol
I can actually picture this perfectly 😂
This minor order was so painful. I dropped 3 barrages and got 19 kills. Ugh.
I threw a barrage on a heavy nest and got only 1 kill. Dem terminids have dodgin' skillz!!!!!