Whobird under AI, nice.
Might be good to add descriptions for a lot of these also, I'm not sure what a lot of them do.
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Whobird under AI, nice.
Might be good to add descriptions for a lot of these also, I'm not sure what a lot of them do.
Browsers could list more than Brave.
But... there is more than Brave. :)
But these smaller ones are scary to follow because they'll always lag behind on security updates.
That is why someone created FFUpdater.
It's strange that it doesn't have Waterfox. Anyway, that wasn't my point in the first place; first, Mozilla has to release its bug fixes, and then all these other browsers' devs have to release their own counterparts in response. It is during this window in time when they're most insecure, since the issues are then brought to light while users are helplessly waiting.
Anyone got a suggestion for a clock app that lets me set an alarm for say three days from now? They all seem to only let you set it for the next time that time comes around, or on repeat. Is that an OS limitation?
~~I don't think it's Open Source (sorry) and it does have (non intrusive, can prob be blocked) ads in the Freemium, but Sleep As Android by Urbandroid has this and much more. I bought an unlocker years ago and have not looked back.~~
I didn't read the rules. My bad.
I'm not OP and not trying to get things added to the list so don't mind suggestions that don't meet OP's criteria, but I would prefer something open source if possible.
But now you mention it, I think I may have bought Sleep as Android many years ago, so I might still consider it. Thanks for the suggestion!
I'm the OP and I feel the same. ๐
Sometimes we find those gems. I know, for example about Niagara Launcher that is not open source but excellent. Just the original author wants to keep this app for himself. Also, nothing wrong with it same for making money with open-source apps. Yet, I intend to be FOSS and that's all.
Unfortunately I do not have an app. I deal with this by adding an entry in my calender with a notitication. It's annoying but works
I do this currently for far off things but a notification doesn't really replace a screaming alarm.
I think it's not OS limitiation, more like proper access to Android API functions that are easier on harder depending on the Android ROM. I can set an alarm to 4 May and it's clock functionality.
I'm running GrapheneOS if it makes a difference. What clock app are you running?
The stock one can do it and others on the list. Let's say I want 11 AM at Tuesday - 3 days from now.
That's it.
Yes this is what I do currently, however, there are two issues with this.
First, sure it will wake me up on Tuesday. But it will also wake me up the following Tuesday, and the one after that.
But secondly, the main problem is that I can't set an alarm for Tuesday the 3rd of September, when I have something important that I don't forget and that justifies a screaming alarm, but it's not within the next week so choosing to repeat each Tuesday doesn't work.
Yeah, you need to disable this after ringing.
I understand... I had this functionality (setting alarm on the particular date) on my old OnePlus 7 Pro with stock Clock (Oxygen OS 12.1). It was awesome. You could even set an alarm, check "Ring when powered off" or something like this, and you could power off your phone and let's say I have a 6 AM alarm, the smartphone would automatically turn on itself at 5:58ish AM. I think every Clock app is based on "AOSP" clock project, so I think it depends on implementation and maybe hardware?
It's funny, this stuff was normal before smart phones. If you forgot to charge your phone (because you only had to do it every week or so, so you didn't have a routine) then the alarm would still go off even if the battery died in the night.
We have some awesome new things that smart phones give us, but it's not without compromise.
True. I still miss, and I don't know how to display passing seconds on my clock. It was present in Android 11 and now in Android 14 I cannot find anything to have it. Moreover, I loved on OxygenOS "triple fingers" from top to bottom - doing screenshot. I hate doing it through buttons. Same when I have a turned off-screen I could just "draw" with my finger letter V, and it would turn on the Flashlight and the same way turning it off.
"Early bird alarm clock" has it under the repeat menu you can set a date/dates for alarms.
Hey, good use of AI on that one! I love whoBIRD!
Yeah, I tried it and is awesome! Not 100% FOSS, but at least the app is as FOSS as possible. I would like to add more apps to "AI" category.
Just an FYI, the current non-GPlay version of Medito is broken. I've been using Bodhi Timer for years, though, and can recommend it as a basic mediation timer.
For AI, you could add SDAI FOSS
Looks astonishing! But I need to check if it's working and applies to the rules. :c Maybe you could do that for me with a Pull Request? :)
Sorry, I don't know how to use git. But I can verify that it does work, and work well. Its just a bit slow. It also adheres to the rules as far as I can tell.
Ah, I understand, no worries. Just using Android and knowing what F-Droid is is enough. :)
Its just a bit slow.
If you don't mind, me neither. ;)
But I don't use it and I cannot confirm, so you know... contribution would be helpful. In the future I will try this up but no time for now :c
If you tell me how to make a pull request I'd be happy to give it a go
This repository is excellent for learning how to contribute on GitHub. Unfortunately account is needed.
That's it. :)
Fritter as a client for Twitter ? Lol this app doesn't work for long time. Squacker is the only available option today but unfortunately they use Twitter API instead of Nitter that was shut down
Yee you're right. I was going for deleting Twitter, Nitter, Fritter. :C Elon Musk won...