Sounds like one of your friends has a real potato computer which is causing sync issues when you play with them.
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I thought I'm the one with the potato... Maybe it's both lol
What's your problem with slow computers? Why so negative?
It's important to game with friends, and not worry about their hardware, but just theorizing why this person had different experiences with randoms on the internet versus their friend group. The common factor is their friends in this experiment
I have the opposite problem - seem to have more freezing and dropping wheb I play with randos
I imagine that "random" could secretly be biased towards people with lower ping vetween them, for a better experience overall.
I keep the little Steam FPS counter on when I play, I never notice it making a difference when I'm with randoms vs with friends. One of my friends plays on a Steam Deck though, so the loading screen of us all diving to the planet feels like it takes ages compared to with randoms.
are you hosting? host always gets best performance.
I do quick plays with randos so probably not?
as host or do you answer sos?
Answering sos/joing other's game :/
No problem here