Mostly fine, but at this point I would wait for the new Battlemage GPUs that should come out soon.
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i am really excited to see their B lineup. i wonder if they will stay low-end or if they will start punching up : D
Using Fedora, it's plug and play for most things like games and general usage. I gets a bit harder when you want to use the raw compute of the card to run stable diffusion, blender or encode video, as you'll need additional packages and config.
Alright sick. I may pick one up if the price is right I've seen some a750s go for £130
Just make sure your current computer supports resizable bar and that your os is UEFI booted and not BIOS booted. Also, the windows drivers are steaming garbage so it's only worth it if you know you will only be using Linux.
Why uefi?
Resizable bar needs UEFI.
Really? I have enabled bar but not on uefi so its not doing anything?
Well this recently became a thing if you want gpu accelerated apps. Not sure about intel or amd compatibility but it should work