This was pretty good. I enjoyed the hold it in the hand technique
This community is for electronic hobbyists to discuss projects and is focused on soldering. Everyone is welcome from the noob to people who have been soldering as a hobby for decades to people who solder professionally. We'll talk about materials and techniques, equipment, and projects. Everyone is welcome. All questions are welcome. Post photos and ask for help.
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Like this stock image?
or this one?
I was shocked how long it took to heat up.
Haha, I love this. My first iron was some POS from a wood burning kit that barely got hot enough to heat leaded solder. I went through two more no-temp-control Amazon specials after that one, which lasted a surprisingly long time, but then I swapped to the “expensive” Amazon special - a temp-controlled rework station! Which worked for a few years, but still wasn’t great. I finally said screw it and bought a nice temp-controlled Weller station, and not two months later, found someone dumping a Metcal station. And I gotta say. The metcal is leagues above anything I have ever used - it’s insane. Heats up within 5 seconds of turning on. Seems like some models similar to mine can be had used on eBay for about the price of my new Weller iron - and I would’ve gone for that option had I known about it. Only bummer is the replacement parts come at a premium, of course.
Thanks. Is your Metcal an RF station? I've got a friend who has an RF station who says the same things. Almost instant heat, very stable.
Yup...I just looked it up. Thermal Mass RF. Very nice. That's a big boy soldering station.
What kinds of things are you working on? Post pictures!
I’ll take some pics when I get back home next week! If I’m being totally honest, most of right now is just desoldering things. I reuse most of my circuitry components from salvaged boards, and also salvage the large majority of my perf boards. But I did “recreate” an HP 35 power supply a few weeks back that I can try to take some pics of!
Havnt watched it yet, but I'm going to guess, not well.
There are some really good, TR-10 tyle soldering irons at amazing prices online.
It isn't even close to the better irons but I manage to solder with it. In subsequent videos I'll show how I can solder 2.54 mm header strips, a SOIC-8, and a QFP-32.
The point is that you don't need expensive equipment to solder even fairly small, modern SMDs. It's WAY easier with better equipment but a beginner with cheap equipment can do it.