Arrest the supreme court and make them homeless.
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Biden just has to firebomb every property they own to make them homeless, he has complete inmunity
Someone should make one for assassinating the whole of heritage foundation.
Blumenthal continued that Biden should have Chief Justice John Roberts arrested "for his treasonous comment that the president is doing something illegal, based on his very own opinion," before joking that Biden would be expanding the court and adding he would wait to prosecute Roberts "after the new 26 members take their posts."
Do it do it do it
Yeah, THAT'S gonna happen 🙄
There's a bigger chance that he'll stop sending weapons to Israel than of him ever fighting the fascists using any unconventional means, let alone blatantly unconstitutional ones.
Criminally investigate the following "people" and "things"
Gym Jordan for his negligence/participation in the Ohio State sexual abuse case
Cuckhold Ted for that god-awful "beard" and receiving bribes through his podcast
All Republicans for the dark money they receive. We need to know where it comes from
Trump for soliciting bribes outside during his recent campaign
All those billion dollar donors for bribing the justices
Those are just the ones off the top of my head
But these aren't "illegal".
Doesn't matter. If Biden "suspects" something is amiss, he can order his DOJ to look into it and file charges as part of his office duties.
Is that the Jim Jordan who always walked by the showers while nude students were being abused, humiliated, and scarred by his coworker? Is he the guy who whistled into the showers non-chalantly or were the whistles chalant like catcalls or am I thinking of someone else?
Yeah buddy, you want my vote, show me your willing to act.