The first season of DanMachi was so good, reminded me of the Sword and Aegis of Uruk, but it went downhill so fast.
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I disagree. I had to stick with it through Season 1 and 2, but I got hooked and ended up binging Seasons 3 and 4.
Latest 2 seasons were really really good
Season 1 had a tried and true underdog cast that had to work hard and struggle and get by on luck, the scenes were packed with action, tension, and high stakes. Then, he had several chances to prove himself and grow stronger. After season one, it just became a sort of shallow political drama with tens of characters being given screentime to do nothing but talk, and a bunch of foreshadowing that the supposed underdog is some kind of demigod or something. Basically devolved into an excuse to draw far too young-looking girls in the lewdest situations allowed in the show's rating category.
I didn't watch 3 or 4 and I don't intend to. I'd rate the show overall as a 0/10.
I didn't like Season 1 as much, I think because the story was scattered around introducing so many characters. I also agree that ecchi is a turn-off for me, but I liked the concept, characters, and production value enough to stick with it.
I think the strength of the 3rd season onwards is that it relies more on the established cast, rather than introducing a ton of new characters all the time.
First season is solid. Second is the weakest season unfortunately, 3rd is great, 4th is absolutely amazing.