What if I’m only a part-time female?
Housing Bubble 2: Return of the Ugly
A community for discussing and documenting the second great housing bubble.
Well then you can share the bed with another part-time student to fulfill the requirement.
Part time lover?
Only creepy if posted by a man but then again, no woman would write the listing like this
Landlords prefer female tenants in general due to a perception of cleanliness. This sort of discrimination is of course illegal but they do it anyway.
Landlords prefer female tenants in general due to a perception of cleanliness.
That's simultaneously bigoted and painfully uninformed. So I can see why a landlord might think it.
Which is hilarious, because not to be that guy but women absolutely destroy bathrooms in my experience. I need like the hand soap, shampoo, body wash, and my toothbrush and toothpaste. Pretty easy to keep all that clean.
Meanwhile no matter how nice and meticulous of a female roommate I've had the bathroom ends up an absolute destroyed disaster of makeup hair dye and i don't even know what else.
Then again on the Flipside most male roommates I've had don't understand the concept of scraping uneaten food into the trash on your way to the sink instead of just putting it in the sink and then letting water run over it so it becomes a mushy moldy mess at the bottom.
The lesson here is that everyone sucks, just differently(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Only times I had to call pest control for roaches was when I was renting to single women.
Of course it's Toronto
And it's located at Bloor and Sherborne no less, lol. Great area.
Perfect for Harry Potter too!
overlooking the disgusting fact that he thinks this is particularly suitable to females, why does everyone think that students deserve to live like prisoners?
overlooking the disgusting fact that he thinks this is particularly suitable to females, why does everyone think that ~~students~~ people deserve to live like prisoners?
It's not just students, but it is just slightly more acceptable to think "well this person isn't done with training so it's perfectly ethical to exploit them and since they're already being exploited they can't afford much so I'll just offer this literal closet, that I graciously put I t.v and bed inside of, at market rate. " I'm not in a closet exactly but I'm not far off... Paying $1400 for the upper portion of a fucking garage...
It's absolutely disgusting that this kind of shit is even legal to offer though and at that price? What the actual fuck??
The People Under the Stairs is a great hip hop group, give O.S.T. a listen if you haven’t already
Acid rain drops slaps
Also a great horror movie
When I lived in L.A. literally no one I met ever heard of them or showed loved. They played a show in West Hollywood for like... 15$ on the cover charge. This was almost 10 years ago now (I don't like saying that)
There's no way that's up to code as a bedroom.
I think bedrooms have to have windows that open to the outside.
Man, I was really hoping to do my Master's at U of T, but at this point it seems like it's be harder to find somewhere to live than get accepted into a top program.