It's not a bug, it's a feature!
typical internet cats. videos, pics, memes welcome!
rule 1) be kind
other cat communities cats
When I got my cat we came to an understanding that she would at least try to catch any bugs that get in the house... She has not upheld her end of the bargain.
She doesn’t try, or does she actively add to the population inside instead?
She'll just sit there and watch it go by, then look at me like I should do something about it. A bug will walk 2 inches from her paw and she won't even bat at it lol
Oh, you have been graced by the rare Monitor-Cat. Its mission is to observe only and keep a daily log. If required, they send in a specimen of an unknown crawler it encountered, which is analyzed in the catlab.
Serve your cat well and you shall meow.
Our cats like to bring grasshoppers in the house
The outside cats like to bring me birds and occasionally half of a squirrel lol last week one of them brought me a live bird that flew away as soon as she dropped it!
This one does big grasshoppers and knows better. Last year he came in and my wife asked what was in his mouth, so he moved faster. She followed and caught him trying to hide the grasshopper.
Another of our cats (moonpie) brings birds and mice. Once came home to him licking a dead mouse on our bed with murder in his eyes.
My big calico who sadly passed away about about a year ago used to leave headless squirrels on the front porch for me. It was always somewhat horrifying to find one of those first thing in the morning lol I never did find out what she did with the heads, and now I'm afraid one day I'll find a pile of them under the house somewhere 🐿️💀😰
Sorry to tell you this, but if she was anything like our cat was with rabbits - she eat them.
Probably seeing another dimension.
I love his freckly nose!!!
His freckle nose is adorable
I have an orange boy, 18 years old, and he has one huge freckle on his nose, and lots of little freckles on his lips. It's an orange cat thing, apparently, and I love it.
Despite not seeing it on the character, my cats freckles help me understand why the orange cats nickname is Freckles in the comic and animated pilot of lackadaisy
I love your cat's name
Such a good movie!
Looks like Gingersnap is high, and seeing dragons on your ceiling.
Unfortunately the best catnip my cats liked my brother made at home and he has since passed away, so no catnip
That single orange brain cell is just dinging around in there like a pinball trying to figure it out
Smooch her head for me 😭
I had a kitty warn me about a brown recluse spider on my ceiling once. Very grateful for that one. Their venom will fuck you up.
I miss the greebles community.
My cat does this is one room of the house...regularly (3-4 times a week)...and there is never anything there.
It's super super weird. He'll run into the room then immediately and aggressively look up and stare at the ceiling. Nearly every. single. time. And we can't figure out why.
It's been a thing for 2 years now.
Have you checked for mice nesting in the ceiling there?
Oh my gosh, that's actually a plausible idea...thanks!
You sure they didn't do catnip with their friends? Looks quite trippin.
We had a pact. Out by 16 or dead on the scene together for fucking ever
Is it drugs? Are are there drugs on the ceiling?