Yes please medic mommy
Humor, jokes, memes about TTRPGs
Jokes on them, I'm into that shit
"I find your lack of faith disturbing"
Reading these comments it sounds like we're all watching the same kinda porn.
...I mean... you're all watching it.
BG3 is a porn sim
I thought it was a game about how one dwarf killed way too many tall ones by throwing goblin corpses.
Femdom mommy shit is really in right now. I wonder if it'll take down the reigning champion, step-sister stuff
When medic in TF2 saves me from dying to fall damage from my own rocket jump.
this makes me feel things
Who's the artist?
Because that's a very nice one, love the shapes and expressions.
Probably AI
Call me naive but I don't trust AI to currently have the smarts to draw those clavicles under the clothes.
Just checked and it is indeed an AI image based on a Asuka reference, with some change in Photoshop to make it seems less AI...
It was posted a year ago on Baldur's Gates subreddit. Technically no AI on the sub hence trying to hide it.
I found a pretty neat description of a process by the redditor GenderJuicy and generally arguing for it the coments :
"Looks like he took this image and plugged it into ControlNet with a lower percentage,, then used this LoRA then took the output and used the Facet filter in Photoshop a few times to hide the "AI-ness", thus the weird design inaccuracies, nebulous inhuman designs and such.
Edit: Here you go, I did this in 2 seconds after downloading these and opening up Stable Diffusion, then used the Facet filter in Photoshop after pasting in the "Pathetic" text over it.
If you're going to make AI images and post them, don't act like you "made it in Photoshop". Pathetic."
Also found a guy explaining it in the coments of a repost :
I gotta admit, the brush strokes got me too it's pretty well done!
this doesn't give me the ai feel, the proportions are deliberate and there no meaningless mirroring of features, no expert either but this feels real
You are indeed naive. Why wouldn't an AI be smart enough to draw clavicles?
I didn't say "the AI would likely not draw clavicles", but "the AI would likely not draw clavicles with a portion of which was remarked below the clothes".
It could also just be a filter of a screen shot or render, I'm no expert either.
Anime models are kind of notorious for drawing impossible clothes if you don't guard against it in prompts and keep an eye out for them.
To the point where I noticed that navel and impossible crotch folds before I noticed that extra arm.
Realistic ones don't tend to have that issue must be the training data, worst of all "impossible clothes" is not tagged reliably. Are those models able to draw proper clavicles? Absolutely. But they'll also glue the collar to the skin because that's how artists like to draw stuff like latex.
Sure it does!
Most of the time there are four of them, but it draws them.
I loved decking her out in BG3. Mobs trying to get her to lose concentration was adorable. She just stood there, with that expression.
And her circle of death
Did they fix that? I remember any time anyone got touched they’d lose concentration. Haven’t played since launch tho
You have to have a really high AC, which is really easy to get for Shadowheart/Cleric with all the heavy armor and other healer gear available. Add the Blood of Lathander mace, and you are set.
A 1st level dip into fighter gives casters armor, shield, and con save proficiencies. If that's not enough then a feat can give you advantage on concentration saving throws. So a +2 becomes something like a +6 and then you could get two chances with that modifier.
If you start a game as a caster, as an origin character for example, then you can simply go to withers and reset your character to a level 1 fighter and then just take all your spellcasting levels.
Clerics literally don't need that because they're very very balanced, Jebus said so
Some clerics are. Others are throwing fireballs with their spirit guardians and weapons. Looks at light clerics.
Like Lucifer
Who is she?
Shadowheart, from Baulders Gate 3
My Domme does love playing healers…
You getting hurt took me away from proactively healing you by killing whatever it was that managed to hit you.
And you better not backsass me. Triage system.
Love when she look at me like that🥰
That's just double the kink for me.
Does Durance count as a priest? He's just angry hahaha
That's why I'm a zealot barbarian. Pure healing efficiency! Just let me go down and resurrect me!
I do this all the time in Smite. Tell my teammates they are doing poorly because a bum like me had to save them 😂
Clerics of Kelemvor: "You should welcome death."
I'm a zealot barbarian, I do, but you keep bringing me back!
there's most clerics and then there's jester lavorre
Im slow af. Just realized this is the principal skinner meme but DND.