You have a false consciousness of your own that is at this moment blocking you from understanding what mean by “patriarchy”.
Side note that's why I loathe that word. The concept, roughly Butler forwards, makes perfect sense but the term is atrocious because it right-out invites misunderstanding, as in, if you take a dictionary and look up the components you get nowhere close to the "normative force wafting through overall society" thing but plain "rule of fathers", if even that, plenty of people misunderstand it as "rule of men". I know it's due to history and not deliberate obscurantism but it still sucks. Something like "the spirit of oppression" comes way closer to the modern definition, including the animist metaphysics it invokes.
Back when Hillary Clinton, an establishment Democrat with corporate and oligarch backing, ran against Bernie Sanders, an independent challenger with decades-long pro-worker, pro-equality, pro-good-things-in-general track record, Clinton's side smeared people who supported Sanders as misogynist, abusing feminist narratives and talking points to get rid of a candidate that, very much unlike Clinton, would've won against Trump. Easily. In a landslide. such that particular strain of rainbow-feminist-capitalist-oligarchy might not have the power to push their own candidate through, but they do have the power to prevent a candidate that would have been better for the people, men, women, whatever, doesn't matter, but would have hurt corporate profits. And because they managed to be so completely unlikeable, so out of touch with what the average American actually wants, they managed to get Trump elected with their interference, twice. Not that Trump would be any better but that's another topic.