
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

Back when Hillary Clinton, an establishment Democrat with corporate and oligarch backing, ran against Bernie Sanders, an independent challenger with decades-long pro-worker, pro-equality, pro-good-things-in-general track record, Clinton's side smeared people who supported Sanders as misogynist, abusing feminist narratives and talking points to get rid of a candidate that, very much unlike Clinton, would've won against Trump. Easily. In a landslide. such that particular strain of rainbow-feminist-capitalist-oligarchy might not have the power to push their own candidate through, but they do have the power to prevent a candidate that would have been better for the people, men, women, whatever, doesn't matter, but would have hurt corporate profits. And because they managed to be so completely unlikeable, so out of touch with what the average American actually wants, they managed to get Trump elected with their interference, twice. Not that Trump would be any better but that's another topic.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

You have a false consciousness of your own that is at this moment blocking you from understanding what mean by “patriarchy”.

Side note that's why I loathe that word. The concept, roughly Butler forwards, makes perfect sense but the term is atrocious because it right-out invites misunderstanding, as in, if you take a dictionary and look up the components you get nowhere close to the "normative force wafting through overall society" thing but plain "rule of fathers", if even that, plenty of people misunderstand it as "rule of men". I know it's due to history and not deliberate obscurantism but it still sucks. Something like "the spirit of oppression" comes way closer to the modern definition, including the animist metaphysics it invokes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

I mean DNC consultants could not have pushed the "Bernie Bro" narrative and things could look vastly different right now, but that would have contradicted their class interest. But they're also not leftist, at least not in my book.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (5 children)

Funny how Sweden didn’t have these issues of gang minorities until they started passing more discriminatory policies against minorities years ago.

The problems started with de facto housing segregation, more like at least a decade or two ago, similar overall (but less intentional) as France and its Banlieue. They built housing that was unpopular with native Swedes for the simple reason of being in the wrong place, and if you, back then, said "wait this might cause trouble maybe we should take more care to mix people up, somehow" well you didn't because Swedes suck at complaining. Muttering at the kitchen table, sure, but publicly? Heavens, that would disturb social cohesion.

Thus the segregation issue wasn't nipped in the bud, or at least in early flower, as many other countries did, so it festered into lack of perspective and inclusion, and then it burst and you got angry kids on the one side and the Sweden Democrats on the one side and let's not forget the likes of Iran literally paying kids to kill people to make the situation even worse because Iran has a chip on their shoulder over Swedes being, on the international stage, arrogant, self-righteous, know-it-all swots.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

a best guess as to what the next instruction or data it needs will be

More precisely it's speculating on the results of a yet to be executed (but already known) instruction, e.g. whether a branch will be taken or not, and begins to execute instructions in that branch before the final verdict of whether it will be taken is done. If it guessed right, it can just continue, if it guessed wrong, it has to cover its tracks, making sure that what it did is in no way observable. It's the latter part, "in no way observable", that all these security failures are about: If you can somehow observe that stuff, you might be able to observe stuff you're not supposed to see because the branch speculatively taken was "nope, you're not allowed to do this".

All that might be hard to grasp without an understanding how modern CPUs execute instructions, which very much is not "an instruction at a time", Computerphile has excellent videos about pipelining and branch prediction.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

Windenergieausbau z.B. Was hier im Norden alles ohne Aufhebens passiert weil Buur Hinnerk denkt "das macht die CDU das passt schon" ist erstaunlich. Und geht eigentlich weniger um gemäßigt als um selbstsicher verwurzelt was dazu führt dass sie sich nicht genötigt fühlen sich dämlich-regressiv zu profilieren. Dem Söder würde doch der Hut abgehen wenn er in SH Schnüüsch serviert bekommt, das ist ja vegetarisch. Deshalb isst der ja auch keine Brezn mit Obazda.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago

Weil Merz weder Günther noch Wüst ist und es nicht danach aussieht als dass es für Grün-Schwarz reicht.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

“Brandmauer” (wall of fire against the AfD)

Firewall. As in a wall designed to hold back fire so that it doesn't spread. Specifically a masonry wall, "Brandwand" is the more generic term.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

I don't want to represent or speak for you, I want you to speak your own truth, and listen to that of others. I also never said that it's "all women's fault", I'm saying that generalised enmity is counterproductive.

I'm saying that we all have a part of the puzzle and if we all manage to chip in instead of villainising each other in essentialist terms, things would move along a lot faster. I'm an Anarchist, not an incel.

you scream from the rafters that men are hurt to, but NEVER when I asked for fucking help!

They were. They were absolutely hurt and damaged when they were not able to help you because they internalised a patriarchal narrative: "Men are perpetrators, not victims". It's there to replace camaraderie with hierarchy, institute a pecking order. It does not serve men a bit, hierarchy never does any good.

These two things -- you not getting help from men, and men being hurt -- are not at odds with each other. They're causally connected.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago (5 children)

I mean that a lot of the typical jobs women take up are in some form of middle management. It's not rare to see 70% or more women working in those areas.

Separately, feminism has lots of narrative power.

My overall point here is not that feminism didn't or doesn't do what it could to fix the deal for men, too, it might not even be possible, my point is that there's a female power base that men, especially young and low-class ones, experience as being capable of doing so.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 14 hours ago (2 children)

Do you seriously believe that there's not a single man, in the whole wide world, who has your back?



Let's talk about the stark differences between Ukraine and Russia's recruitment, drafting, and conscription practices. Who is targeted (primarily) to be drafted for military service, and why? You'll see why the answer really does matter, and how it reveals many other key facts that people often miss.


Transmeta was set to revolutionise the CPU market, but the market changed alot while they tried to build their revolution. Despite Transmeta no-longer being a CPU manufacture, they did change at least one thing that's still with us.


Albert Camus is one of the most famous philosophers of the 20th century, and I get almost endless requests to cover him. I have done so in the past, but on reflection those treatments were inadequate, and a little misleading. So today I thought we would look at Camus from a different angle, and chart his philosophy from its inceptions to its culminations.

00:00 Absurdism and Misconceptions
01:37 The Absurd: A Brief Introduction
09:56 The Absurd Hero: Solitary Beginnings
17:34 Absurdism and Community
25:40 The Trivialization of Albert Camus



2024 was an extremely eventful year and not every crisis or war can get the individual follow up videos it might deserve. So to kick off 2025, we are going to zoom out and look at some of the wars and crisis we covered from late 2023 to assess what actors and countries came out as strategic winners (or losers) over the course of 2024.

00:00:00 — Opening Words
00:00:45 — What Am I Talking About?
00:02:56 — the Brief
00:03:51 — the Axis of Resistance
00:04:41 — Hezbollah
00:09:37 — Syria
00:11:46 — the Houthis
00:15:45 — Iran
00:26:02 — the Counterparties
00:29:52 — the Americas
00:37:03 — Cuba
00:39:39 — DPRK
00:52:59 — Europe
00:53:49 — the Baltics
00:56:59 — France
00:59:31 — Conclusion
01:03:11 — Channel Update



The cases of maritime sabotage in the Baltic Sea raise questions about the Western strategy against Russian hybrid warfare. We should expect more open confrontations as the war in Ukraine enters its final stages, and the previous approach of simply ignoring Russia's attacks will not work.

0:00 Intro
0:20 Pattern of sabotage
0:55 Hybrid warfare
1:54 The Western strategy so far
3:16 Hybrid attacks will intensify
3:59 Maritime hybrid warfare
6:22 Countermeasures
7:15 Dealing with Russia's shadow fleet
8:26 A new Western strategy


The German town of Herzogenrath and the Dutch town of Kerkrade effectively form one large town with an international border running through it. This is the story of how this happened, what it meant for the people living there, and how the place functions today.



So apparently buying a high speed camera wasn't enough, because after two videos with it I decided to build my own, but 5 orders of magnitude faster…

In this video I'm filming the motion of light as it flies across my garage at… well, the speed of light! It's fast. So fast that even with my best setup so far, I get 18 frames of video from one end of the room to the other, and those frames have a lot of temporal blur so realistically each "frame" is actually kind of an average of the information that by right should belong to 5-10 frames. It's a mess, but it works.

I'm using the technique from the electricity waves video where I used repeated oscilloscope measurements synced after the fact to produce "videos" of electricity moving down a wire. The only difference is that instead of measuring electricity waves, I'm measuring light emitted by a laser, bouncing off the wall, traveling to my camera, and landing in the window of a photomultiplier tube. UNLIKE the electricity waves video, this setup (thankfully) is automated, and an optics assembly slews across angle space, building up a 3d dataset of video, collecting all the time information from each pixel sequentially.

It's a really fun project that I've wanted to do for a long time, and just recently got pulled together.


...title is a lie, actually it's a ploy to explain parallel reduction of a massive set of particles to get an AABB. He fesses up to it in the end.


Picture of two kaleidoscopes (from the outside, not looking in)



Cool particle systems have been popping up in games across the last decade. Why are these novel particle systems a new thing? What tech enables them? How many particles can a midrange gpu draw?

Topics covered: particle definition, gpu instancing, iterated function systems, the chaos game, matrix transformations, linear interpolation, fragment shader bottlenecks, point list meshes, extensions and applications of iterated function systems

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