Man this fucking sucks for people who really dig Nordic esthetics without being a fucking nazi.
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As a bald guy with a beard, yeah it does.
As a big bearded guy FROM a Nordic country, sure does.
Tfw you look better bald but regularly let shitty patchy hair grow out because I'd rather look dumpy than like a skinhead
But it's great camo if you want to see what it looks like from within the hatemob.
Surprising Conclusion: A lot more sparse than you think. I'm considering just doing hidden cam stuff as I can blend in crazy good.
hard right can't create anything so they adopt, subvert, and corrupt whatever tickles their tendencies.
They really have no idea what the Nordic peoples live/d like, and their conception comes from comic books and movies.
I used to study Norse esoterica since the early 90s, love the Eddas, but none of my runestone rubbings are going on my cubicle wall because fashie bois see "Lief carved these" and think I'm one of them.
The "runes" are the vegsivir. It's 19th century Icelandic Nordic fan art.
Frequently co-opted by Nazis to avoid using well-known Nazi symbols.
This one isn't listed:
How do they get to claim the triforce?
I heard from a tattoo artist that the Triforce is one of the most popular tattoos. It's like the vanilla ice cream of tattoos.
Let’s be honest; It’s probably some alt right 4chan bullshit.
The ADL is not a serious organization but just a lobbyist for an anti-semitic, genocidal cult (aka zionism).
It doesn't need to be, it's suspect for anyone not a dead 9th century serial rapist and slaver.
Why would the icelandic settlers be slavers and serial rapists?
What do you think happened to the Irish monks?
They also had a slave economy like every other Norse/Whatever civilization. That's just how the culture was set up, war, trade, and raid for slaves and pillage to work your fields.
Rune staves can be free form, that collection is just Icelandic 'approved' historical staves which is funny af because they are only about 400 years old at most.
At this point what isn't?
We should really stop giving it to them.
If this was just some random dude who had no sketchy imagery then yeah I'd be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. IMO this tattoo doesn't solely mark the wearer a Nazi.
However, this man is a cop who, seconds later, ~~murdered~~ pulled his gun on the unarmed black woman in the picture, who was subsequently murdered by his partner for hurting his feelings. He's a Nazi for sure, he's probably associated with a Nazi group (besides the cops lol), and he acted out his Nazi power fantasy.
The dude on the left did, the guy who's arm is in the pic seemed pretty fucked up about it.
He also seemed to warn the murderer that his body cam was on (“I’m on, I’m on!!), although too late obviously. He was probably freaked out about that too.
seemed pretty fucked up about it.
So did Heinrich Himmler when he personally witnessed one of his self-created mass-murders at Babi Yar in 1941 - not coincidentally, a mass-murder that was mostly perpetrated by bog-standard German police.
It's almost like the institution of police was invented from the ground up to act as a kind of filter to concentrate the most venal and vile humanity has to offer and then arm and train them to carry out atrocity after atrocity at the beck and call of whoever is in power.
So I don't care if they are "pretty fucked up about it" - the only good pig is a dead one.
Good catch! Sorry, but I kinda had to psych myself up to really watch this video carefully. But also, fuck him for not de-escalating the situation. He pulled his gun on Massey too, reinforcing his partner's belief that she was a threat.
And also just generally fuck him for being a cop and showing up to work that day. IMO the rest of my comment stands.
the guy who's arm is in the pic seemed pretty fucked up about it.
Good. Hope this moment lives with him the rest of his life.
So he's not a skinhead, just a nordaboo?
Two things can be true.
On a cop that venn diagram is a near perfect circle.
On any other person, there may be doubts. On a pig? None.
Eh, I'd argue 17th century but certainly fan art. Those staves are basically the Icelandic version of modern Wicca being related in any way to actual Celt religion.
But they look cool, and if the function of a symbol is to focus attention and direct thought, then they will probably work as well as any other legitimately ancient symbol system.
That said, I don't think this pig was looking for safety while traveling.
I knew it’d be nazi shit. Gdi.
Oh, it's even better.
This wasn't the proven murderer, it's his partner.
And now we know why murderpig thought he could get away with it!
They're not going to stop it till they get smacked again, we all know this. Their politicians are literally calling for civil war on live television. I don't imagine many cops NOT being white nationalists at this point.
May he one day have a black son
I remember when I was 17 designing an elaborate tattoo design involving celtic knots before I learned the fucking nazis co-opted that shit.