The nerve! Don't you know cats don't need nutrients? They need raw, unbridled flesh. You have to supplement with at least one corpse per day or you're being a double criminal. You can trust me, I'm a cat nutritionist. That's why I feed Whiskers healthy food like Meow Mix.
Vegan Circlejerk
we absolutely respect veganism and what it stands for but
Unjerk: [email protected]
Yum: [email protected]
You kid, but they absolutely need meat and guts in their diet. Just giving them meat isn't enough, let alone the dry food lots of people give them. Wetfood only, with mixed in organs - chicken hearts, maybe one meal every few days being livers, etc.
There was a post about the British Veterinary Association, ending opposition to Vegan diets for dogs. This morning I gave my dog a choice, a vegan wet food or her 100% raw duck and chicken… she inhaled her raw food and hasn’t touched the vegan option… I’ll leave it there for the rest of the day to see what happens.
Had a really weird response from a vegan who seemed to take offence to me saying how healthy my dog was on her current diet, and suggested maybe my dog could just be less healthy and not eat meat… er… we can’t have a nuanced conversation about her needs… so no.
Not if your cat kills you first. Read the room. That kitty is sending a message.
You can see the cat crying ooooh the abuse!