I guess Aqua is not the only one who needs some help
Next episode is Kana vs Akane. Genius child actor vs current generation genius actor. Which side are you on?
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I guess Aqua is not the only one who needs some help
Next episode is Kana vs Akane. Genius child actor vs current generation genius actor. Which side are you on?
Aqua trying his best to be an edgelord only to find out that Akane is committed 110%. It really caught him off guard. Also, I love the way they brought this scene to life. With the emphasis this show puts on eye animation, it was a nice touch to actually darken Akane's eyes when she went full Darth Akane.
I am so pumped for the next episode.
I'm fine with both, but probably rooting for Akane thanks to recency bias 🤭
I'm sure they're both good actors, even with different approaches to the craft, but Kana has the baggage of being famous as a child actor, kind of like Ron Howard, but he's doing fine.
In the last quarter of the episode I kept wishing "please don't end now, please don't end now" haha
At least we might get a full "action" packed episode next week thanks to this cliffhanger 🙏
@[email protected] I'm liking the OP more and more :o
Aqua is being setup for a good performance once again, we'll see if it happens or not.
Something seems to be brewing with Melt as well.
@[email protected] I'm liking the OP more and more :o
Something seems to be brewing with Melt as well.
Yeah he sees himself as not worth of being in this cast, but he seems to be working really hard to improve, so let's hope he puts up a good performance.
S1E1 spoiled me, I've been feeling like that every single episode
I need the next episode right now aaaaah
I know he wants to help Akane but trying to remember traumatic incident is not something he should have chosen.