It's not strictly speaking legal, but there's an app called Mihon for Android that can scrape "read free online" sites and serve them to you in a neat little UI that lets you make categories and such. It's mostly focused on manga, but it has extensions for western comicbooks as well. I'm currently using it to read through the og Ultimate Spider-Man and Hellboy at the moment.
Comic Books
A place to discuss comic books of all types, from old to new, Big 2 to indie, and everything in between.
Floppies, graphic novels, compilations, omnibusses (omnibusi?) are all fair game.
There is only one rule:*
Comic Books is a no judgement zone.
You can talk all you want about how Rob Liefeld is trash, Bob Kane is an asshole, or Frank Miller and Dave Sim’s politics have made them toxic, that’s all good.
If, however, another user is LEGITIMATELY a fan of something you don’t like, that does NOT make them a lesser person. Attack the art for being bad, not the person for being a fan of bad art.
* I lied. There are TWO rules... No piracy. Cover shots? That's good. Interior pages, in moderation? Sure. Full books? Links to pirate sites? That's how we get things shut down. :(
I'm not saying it's been a problem, because it hasn't been.
See our sister sites!
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Outside of Comixology, there's Marvel Unlimited and DC Universe Infinite:
Obviously both limited to Marvel and DC respectively.
Those are the LEGITIMATE sources. There are other ILLEGITIMATE sources but a) We don't talk about Bruno and b) In my experience, they are full of spam, malware, and .ru domains that can't be trusted.
These are the legitimate sources for the absolute most recent comics, but I do want to point out that there are a good number of slightly older comics on the Hoopla app, which you can access through your local library. If you want to catch up on some older stuff it's also an entirely legitimate way to do it.
Yeah. Both great options!
Marvel Unlimited is getting to be pretty fantastic. A few years ago there were big noticeable gaps in key series, and lots of mistakes in ordering of reading lists.
But recently I've been able to choose a character and binge read almost every issue of that character that was ever printed, in pretty close to publication order, with few gaps or misorderings.
DC Universe infinite was also pretty solid last time I tried it, and having streams of many of their animated films (which are each, on average, fantastic) was a very nice addition.
Edit: Anyone know of other comic publishers going this way? I would be happy to chuck some money at Dark Horse or DreamWave (RIP? Or are they back?) or others some months.
IDW had one at one point but it looks like it folded. :(
I thought idw went out of business. Or was that just their game division?
It's been a near thing, but the comics side is still hanging on.
I live in Europe, so my options are a little limited. But I am currently using the marvel app. You can get a subscription and read all that is available, which is a lot. Newer comics lack behind a bit, probably to drive paper sales.
I know there is a similar app for DC, but it is not available here. I read online people think it is lackluster, but again no handson experience. I believe darkhorse comics might have a platform as well.
For me I like to buy paper comics for all non-marvel comics. I do like that a lot more. It draws me in better, and allows me to support smaller shops like the one you had.
Hope you get back into reading. It is a wonderful world!
Global Comix
Do you have a library in your area?
Have you gone and gotten a library card?
If so, then you might be able to use Hoopla to have access to more comic book publishers.
Related to the other comments, I read Marvel and DC up until I switched to Hellboy of Dark Horse Comics having wanted to read more indie comics that I currently enjoy now, although I still read physical comics of the Big Two that they have.
They have LOTS of comics with up to six borrows per month enabling you to find what you want.
Maybe you also like manga that they have too?
Because they recently added manga to their repertoire of readable materials although I’ve mainly used Hoopla for reading comics.
I will look into hoopla. But absolutely not a fan of manga.
I totally get that. Manga comes from a country (Japan) with different values than ours.
The same goes for anime, another topic.
I'm not a big fan of renting and not owning, but I feel like most of my Marvel Unlimited or DC Infinite subscription is going to the writers and artists to support their making more content. Feels like a Patreon situation, rather than rent seeking.
New content hits Marvel Unlimited so quickly, and there's so much backlog available, that I feel good about keeping the subscription around.
Plus Marvel has lately (and historically) given voices to the stories of folks who I don't think get enough empathy, so I feel good about that too.
I've been reveling in catching up on the House of X and Hellfire Gala and related books.
I'll pick up a bunch of my favorites in collected trade paperback later, too. So I'll still also get to own a copy.
I get some like image comics from google play books.