I usually check the description for a link to GitHub or similar. Alternatively I directly search for the plugin name + "source code"
A place to talk about WordPress the open source content management system. Also a place to ask for help with WordPress. Don't be rude, don't spam.
Yeah .. I am nothing that many plugins i looked at had source code available bit then when I looked further it was for the basic version while they offered a.pro version which was paid.
I guess in these situations you need to dig into the licencing to find out where you stand.
Perhaps also I am just too new to Wordpress to know the popular open source addons
I'm genuinely uncertain if this is satire...
@otter @abeorch Take a look at the community plugins https://wordpress.org/plugins/browse/new/?plugin_business_model=community
Fair point, though it was the "fully featured... well maintained..." that caught my eye in a request for free stuff. 🤷🏽♂️😅
Yeah ok the wording was a bit blase and Im new to the group so Ill take the burn..but Im working for free on a community group website. Im aware that there are great communities out there doing amazing work on Opensource projects. I like to find them use and learn about them and then contribute however I can. (e.g Very keen Openstreetmaper) I was just feeling lost when i kept finding sites that said open source but then had PRO versions.
Well, now I'm feeling out of turn 😅 Sorry for flipping you shit, keep up the great work in supporting your local community and open source badasses!! 🙏🏼🙇🏽♂️✊🏽
Haha nah man. Its good. I mean random guy walks in and asks 'wheres the good stuff'? And oh Ive never given someone a.short sharp respone?
Anyway what are your recommendations for Events and Forms? Im going to look at CiviCRM. ActivityPub plugin is going in today hopefully and Im starting Learn Wordpress. No idea about workflows for content editors.