I should switch to crime. I bet it pays.
quotes that you found and like to share
Only if you're already rich, and powerful. If you're not, then they use it to enslave you.
When it comes to crime, my own personal power suddenly matters unlike 'civil' society where everything is financial leverage. I'm VERY capable and that can stand on it's own instead of needing to pass an interview and ignorant judgemental rich kids.
This happens a lot of the time when you’re exposing Zionism or Carnism.
Appropriating the flesh and secretions of animals for humans to use.
true, let arrest the entire animal kingdom, those damn bastards aren't gonna stand a chance
That’s a strawman. You’re not a lion, you wear shoes for crying out loud maybe should we all go barefoot according to your logic or eat our young because that’s what the animal kingdom does.
I think it's more "people are more likely to be punished for trespassing when exposing farming conditions, than the farmer are likely to be charged with some form of abuse or cruelty"
Even though I know that eating meat is immoral, it is not on the same level as genocide; no one should even pretend that it is.
Eating meat is not immoral. Industrial farming is the problem.
Meat is immoral as it is enslaving and murdering other animals. You wouldn’t say that if we were eating your flesh or your dog’s.
Shows how little you actually think about these things. There are situations where that would actually be something I would be okay with.
Taking a position like yours is actually detrimental due to the fact you refuse to see other possibilities
Sounds like projection to me.
And you sound like a standard issue "meat eating makes you a bad person" hippy.
Look, you aren't the moral standard, and neither am I.
You want me to stop eating meat, don't bring religious ferver to the discussion.
Let’s focus on the victims involved with eating meat, for the chickens who have their necks rung or the pigs who are slaughtered on an assembly line. You’re responsible for that as a meat eater as you pay for that, so owe up to it.
I don’t have anyone’s life ruined or ended for my own pleasure. So don’t compare me to you.
Like I said bringing religious ferver isn't going to convince me.
And I wasn't comparing myself to you.
And where in this conversation have I tried to side step any of my responsibilities?
Take a fucking moment to read AND understand. Otherwise you are just spouting drivel.
I’m done debating a rude person who is arguing in bad faith.
Cool, because you weren't actually debating but talking down to me. Talk about rudness when you aren't.
Or is every Inuit person immoral for living their traditional lifestyle?
Edit: I would like a good faith answer about the Inuit people's diet.
Yet where does he live now?
In a place the people he exposed have a hard time silencing him. Whether it's a good place is not the question, he did a thing and now has to hide from people who want to see him thrown in a hole.
Name the country.
Why? Do you think his criticism would be any less valid if spoken from a country that has explicit censorship laws?
Kinda weird that you are trying to discredit someone with more knowledge on the topic than you... I would say his choice of countries was rather limited, and would actually lend more credence to the words as he has more data to base it off of.
So go piss up a rope.
Why are you so hesitant to say "Russia"
Because the answer has no bearing on the point being made.
Life is not a movie and 99.9% of the population would have made the same choice as Snowden.
Either rot for life in a lightless cell or go to whatever country accepts you and doesn't extradite you.
Turns out that this country was Russia. The choice was simple.
His options were Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and maybe China.