Here is your Threat Hunting Tip of the Day:
In the The DFIR Report the attackers abused #PowerShell to execute encoded commands to hide their true activity from the defenders or the victims. Normally, PowerShell needs a parameter that tells it that the following command will be encoded, which is any valid variation of the "-encodedcommand" parameter. Now, this ranges from -e to -EnCoDeDcOmMaNd and everything in between to INCLUDE escape characters! So what are defenders to do?
You could leverage this Intel 471 Free Community Hunt Package that looks for these variations using regular expression! Now, this will help you identify the encoded commands that are run in your organization and possibly by attackers, but be warned! False-positives are a thing and once you start removing them you should have a better idea of what is abnormal. You can also use open source tools like CyberChef to decode the commands so you can make them human readable!
I hope this gets you started on your Threat Hunting journey, good luck and Happy Hunting!
Powershell Encoded Command Execution
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