So the play is over. And in the Kana vs Akane duel... they both lost?
Aqua had to suffer more than he expected when he joined the play, but in the end it was worth it, since it allowed him to get closer to his dad, and Ai's murderer.
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So the play is over. And in the Kana vs Akane duel... they both lost?
Aqua had to suffer more than he expected when he joined the play, but in the end it was worth it, since it allowed him to get closer to his dad, and Ai's murderer.
I loved that very brief shot of Kana's gloom as Aqua was carrying Akane down the steps. Perfect.
haha yes
I was really not expecting the show to make him a better actor by bringing out his hatred :o
E: scratch that, I was expecting it a bit, but not for him to not enjoy acting anymore
I really liked how they ended this arc with the cast taking a bow, just like the play would have ended. It provides a nice complement to how this arc opened, with the cast introductions to start the play.
Something I like about this arc is how neither Akane nor Kana really feel like they "won" and they both are motivated to do better going forward. I think it is actually fairly reflective of people that are very passionate about something that they always feel the drive to do better. It would frankly be out of character if either of them decided that they were good enough to rest on their laurels and gloat over the other. Without getting into spoilers, I think this arc leaves an impression on Ruby as well that will reverberate forward into the story.
When I first read this part of the manga, the half-brother thing caught me completely by surprise. However, Aqua finally has something of a concrete lead to work from. So, strap in everybody!
I'ma anime-only, and yeah, it did catch me by surprise x)
This show is fucking amazing, I'm almost in tears in the first half and then super hyped up by the bomb they drop at the end. Loved this episode !
I was like wtf are they showing us when Aqua was in the toilet but by the end... yeah...
I wonder if he doesn't risk revealing himself though