Breeze picked up a chill again.
Yeah, walked outside last night and it was 13C. Felt like 5C lol. Brrrrr.
And tomorrow and Friday are gonna crack 30!
Nice cool morning. Still forecast to reach 29. We'll see.
What are we talking about? Not AU specific but I've had a big fascination following the US presidential election. I'm thankful for all AEC and compulsory and ranked voting we have.
I'm a bit hopeful for the USA at the moment. Hopefully it doesn't all go to crap.
As a European, now Australian, I'm not enamoured with compulsory voting. Its good in that it prevents the kind of polarised politics of the USA, where extreme views win votes as they encourage fringe elements to Vite and those in the middle not to. However, it also makes us very susceptible to advertising and propaganda as more low information voters make up the voting blocs.
I'm the exact opposite. I'm sick of all the US election stuff, and saturation coverage is only going to get worse.
Fan of AEC and our voting etc. though 👍