Personally overjoyed that it's scoring so well. Incredible success for PlayStation and Team Asobi - I hope they're celebrating well today/tomorrow.
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I'm thinking they aren't going to pull this one off the shelves in a week.
yeah, I am gonna play this with my son for sure!! so excited. :D
There are exactly two games that my kids have played consistently for two straight years: Lego Marvel Super Heroes and "Robot Game" (Astro's Playroom).
My toddler loves the latter and calls it "Buzzy Butt."
I currently play Lego Fortnite with my son but he doesn't seems to like the survival and village upgrade part. Are there any other lego that are more action/platformer oriented and still can coop? (not like resource gather/crafting means the Minecraft/Terraria is out of the picture. )
Still gonna make him play the lego fortnite since it helps him practice planning the resource needed for building house to upgrade the village. with lots of thinking about math/counting and conversion rate for later resource(ie. 1 corn to 3 corn kernel, or 50 bio mass + 6 glasses for 1 power cell. )
@ConstableJelly I wish they realized with this that they need to produce more single player experiencies. And that platformers are still kicking on 2024!
100%. I was just reading this week due to the Concord fiasco about how disastrous many of the live service initiatives have been and Jim Ryan's misguided influence in that regard.
I am very relieved to see games like these succeed so spectacularly. Here's hoping the sales numbers follow.