@wjs018 Narita is going to wingman the heck out of them.
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Now that Chizuru is in on it, I am hopeful that her and Narita can co-wingman Aya to her happy ever after.
I completely forgot Chizuru didn't know about Koga so her reaction was perfect, especially followed by Narita's smugness. Things look about what I expected so far, should be fine thanks to the fact kids in this series obtained the power of "just talk".
Communication skills are really OP. Whenever characters in a series can actually talk through issues instead of remaining dense, it's like their isekai superpower.
You could say the same about its rarity in real life to be honest. Not talking about your problems is probably one of the less unrealistic flaws in fiction. Still, I'm glad Aya actually asked the question, it gives me hope.