So a few days ago I dropped my Merkur 39c and it broke into 4 pieces. Stupid zamak heads.
So I pulled out the 34c HD today, it’s still a great razor. (I head shave by the way)
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So a few days ago I dropped my Merkur 39c and it broke into 4 pieces. Stupid zamak heads.
So I pulled out the 34c HD today, it’s still a great razor. (I head shave by the way)
That sucks. RIP sledgehammer
Fern and Varen have a similar heavy, stanky vibe, while Skin Bracer tries to keep it fresh and clean. A fun combo.
The edge is still comfortable after 27 shaves. You just have to love that Friodur steel.
Your brush is getting there!
Boaris Johnson
Ah - why didn't I think of this!
Soc ++ I still miss mine.
September 27, 2024
This combo really came together nicely. La Forêt de Liguist is a really interesting scent. Dry forest smells, almost musty, but brightened up a tad by something. Delor de Treget is more of a citrus type scent, but along the same vein. Proceeding to get even brighter, Heather topped it all off with a big burst of clary sage.
The pushbutton was really nice. Slightly milder than the MMOC, but just as efficient and fun to use. Mechanically it's not nearly as interesting as the MMOC, but it's still sort of cool in that department.
Mechanically it's not nearly as interesting as the MMOC, but it's still sort of cool in that department.
Well put
Sep 27, 2024 - Fougère Friday - Logbook
Happy Friday!
Rating: 4.5/5
September 27, 2024
Brush: Zenith B40 28mm Boar
Razor: Ralf Aust 5/8 Full Hollow Spanish Point
Lather: Elysian Soap Shop - El Dorado - Soap
Toner: Thayers - Lavender - Toner
Aftershave: Elysian Soap Shop - El Dorado - Aftershave
Fragrance: Elysian Soap Shop - El Dorado - Eau de Parfum
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
I enjoy this soap. Very nice base and there's something attractive about the scent. There's not one component to it that stands out. Just very peasing.