Mlem is really smooth now
Mlem for Lemmy
Official community for Mlem, a free and open-source iOS Lemmy client.
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- This is a forum for discussion about Mlem. We welcome a degree of general chatter, but anything not related to Mlem may be removed at moderator discretion. This is not a forum for iPhone/Android debate. Posts and comments saying nothing but "iOS bad/I use Android" will be removed as off-topic.
- We welcome constructive criticism, but ask that it be both precise and polite.
- When will insert feature here be implemented?
- Check our issue board--if there isn't an issue open for the feature you want, feel free to open an issue or make post! Just remember that devs are people too--we're doing this for free in our spare time, and building a quality app takes a lot of patient work.
- Is Mlem available for Android?
- No. Mlem is written using SwiftUI, which is not currently supported on Android. If such support becomes available, we will look into bringing Mlem to our Android friends.
- How do I join the beta?
- We are currently testing our new 2.0 codebase on TestFlight. We have two beta groups: a weekly group that receives the current state of our development branch every week, and a stable group that receives a curated pre-release build at the end of each development cycle.
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I really liked Mlem but I feel like the performance got worse. Currently using the Voyager App from the App Store and loving it.
Would you mind sharing some information to help us diagnose?
- Build number (Settings -> About Mlem)
- Phone model and year
You can also message me directly.
- Build Number 274
- iPhone 13 2021
Ah, that makes sense--that's the App Store build, not the TestFlight, so it doesn't have the new caching system. We just submitted the update to the App Store, so (Apple Review willing) you should get the smoother feed (and a bunch of other features) within the next couple days!
Looking forward for the new version
Let us know when the AppStore version is updated!
Have you tried Avelon (TestFlight)?
I've heard about it but I'm waiting for a official release. Not a fan of Betas.
I keep coming back to voyager again and again. The scrolling is buttery smooth, it‘s pretty much feature complete and the UI looks nice. Mlem has gotten pretty close, but the scrolling keeps being an issue.
Not for me, sadly. Feels like it’s gotten worse again
Funnily enough I was trapped in a post and had to force close the app after reading your comment.
Oof, how did you get trapped, like you couldn’t swipe back or did the game master decide to spawn an overpowered dragon? XD
Indeed, I couldn’t swipe or tap on "< Back". Changing tabs worked, but I could not get out of the post.
This is very odd--we've got most users reporting dramatic improvements, while a few are reporting regressions. Would you mind sharing some information to help us diagnose?
- Build number (Settings -> About Mlem)
- Phone model and year
You can also message me directly.
I already commented on this issue with a screen recording. Maybe it got lost since the issue was already closed.
Build 475, video. iPhone 12 Pro and iOS 16.6
You also opened an issue about the cursor jumping to the end of the line after the first character that we couldn't replicate--both behaviors could be caused by something forcing view redraws on your device.
Possibly a dumb question, but always worth asking: have you tried reinstalling?
I just tried that, the editing issue seems to be gone, but the scrolling is still not smooth sadly
Edit: editing issue reappeared shortly after
Amazing!!! I LOVE the swipe down to close the image! Y’all are doing great work!
Feeds button still doesn’t take you to the top 😭
Great work though mlem is really smooth
We're working on it! We just merged a PR this afternoon that gives us the hook to detect that second tap on the tab bar (turns out that's kinda tricky). It'll be in the next major release for sure!
Not sure if it got added in this version, but the different haptic feedback when swiping back from an upvote is so satisfying!
Am I missing something or is there no share button on posts?
I really do love the image handling in Mlem (swipe to close, tap to zoom in/out); it has been something that Memmy has been struggling with a lot.
There's no button, but you can share from the context menu or the ellipsis menu.
We've got another update in the works that adds a ton of customization to the post bar and you should be able to add it then.
Do you see it if you tap on the “…” button on a post in the top right corner? It’s a menu item in there =)
Can you consider adding a hide read button
Considered and done! We added it in the last patch--you can find it in the ellipsis menu in the nav bar, right next to the NSFW blur toggle
Oh saw it. However is there a way to manually hide the posts? If I press the hide button, it becomes show. I hope I explained it correctly
Patiently awaiting AppStore submission or more TestFlight slots added :)
It's in Apple Review! We're hoping it'll be approved tomorrow.
Text post bodies now appear as secondary content (gray) in the feed instead of primary (black or white)
Please add an option to disable this, really causing confusion with read and unread post.
I might be biased since I proposed and added this change, but I think that makes it way easier to focus on the headline of a post instead of looking at a big blob of text that looks the same. The headline will still be grayed out, maybe it just takes some getting used to? I’m sure if that’s a popular demand there could also be an option for that.