So you're telling me that some poor fucker at the Mossad has had to listen to 300 hours of recordings of Boris Johnson shitting?
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The True Worst Job in History
I wonder if they offered hazard pay.
Do you think they care about their workers that much?
I can believe that Netanyahu would do that, but my belief that Boris is a lying sack of shit is stronger.
Yeah shure. Shut up Boris.
No it was AKG /s
Must've popped out of his Hamas tunnel.
A "bugging device" lays listening devices, a.k.a. "bugs".
I doubt Bibi went in there and bugged the place when he popped into the loo.
“Thither Bibi repaired for a while, and it may or may not be a coincidence but I am told that later, when they were doing a regular sweep for bugs, they found a listening device in the thunderbox,” Mr Johnson said.
Is a thunderbox British slang for the toilet bowl?
Even if it isn't I'm using it
Well hurry up. Some of us need a turn as wells
Buggering buggerers and the buggers who bugger them