I'd sooner take the opinion of a head of lettuce than this wet noodle.
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Imagine taking the time - intentionally - to go and listen to Liz Truss speaking 😆
They're not sending their best.
I came here to check whether she was the lettuce PM. It's hard to remember whether she was pre- or post-Boris now too.
This dipshit fascist was done such a favor by being linked to a wilting vegetable. She could've quietly disappeared with a doddering do-nothing reputation, and instead, she's getting lightly ribbed about it while screaming nationalist propaganda across the commonwealth.
About 1,000 people at the CPAC conference in Brisbane also heard the former Conservative party leader blame the “unelected Bank of England”
Demanding elections for businesses? That's sounds a bit like socialist rhetoric, Comrade Liz!
Truss said that while many were campaigning against conservatives, “the public” was on their side.
Ahh, the 'silent majority' routine! It's funny how the article has to constantly use scare quotes when repeating all these nebulous spooky concepts like 'the argument' and 'the public'. What argument? Which public? The publics which voted out 'conservative' parties in Britain and Australia?
The silent majority argument feels like 'girlfriend goes to another school' argument of politics.
And if a bunch of people were to believe something, but aren't vocal about it, doesn't that mean they either don't care or know it's wrong to some extent?
I think the insinuation is they are being oppressed.
legit, I've just started slinging that back when they go on about "the public" or "the majority" or other nebulous bullshit.
you wouldn't know them. they go to another school
Yeah the public majority all agree. You wouldn't know them, they live in America.
(or wherever their troll farms are outsourced to this year)
The same unelected Bank Of England that pretty much saved the economy from unelected Prime Minister Liz Truss? Almost as though sometimes you just need experts who understand what they’re doing in charge of things.
Truss is a complete joke in UK politics. You would get better policy if you asked my dogs instead
So is that event longer or shorter than her stint as PM
gotta give her credit, shes put more time and effort into being a right wing nut job than she ever did as PM. I admire her last grasp at relevance , but look forward to her disappearing into the foot notes of history.
She's here early. Ozkinkfest isn't until the middle of October
TIL Oz Kink Fest is a thing.