I love how I'm only 80% sexual purity as a literal kissless, handholdless virgin
100% purity must be impossible
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
I love how I'm only 80% sexual purity as a literal kissless, handholdless virgin
100% purity must be impossible
Can't be holding hands. Leave room for Jesus!
I mean 100% involves shit like never having been sent to the principal's office so yeah probably. I got pretty close with 96% but the remaining 4 mostly feel really hard not to have done
are you sure being sent to the principal's office has anything to do with sexual purity
Maybe they live in a porn plot world where going to the principal's office gets you punished by banging.
By design. Christian Fascist purity culture is about using shame and fear as a weapon of social control. If you could actually achieve purity with confidence it wouldn't work.
That's what happens when you're an involuntary redneck and too poor to get out there and experience life because everything is a luxury for the rich.
35%, here's my breakdown:
Sexual score is obvious but I have no idea why my moral purity is so low. I'm a good boy.
This is more or less what mine looks like
i wonder what the weather's like in hell?
hooooooooooooly shit
Oh fuck you beat me by two points. I was hoping I'd win. I'm just too good at evading arrest for my own good. : (
16% because I’ve never been caught by the cops nor fucked my cousin 🤙
Your purity is 13%
Moral Purity - 5% (1 of 20 points)
Sexual Purity - 3% (1 of 30 points)
Social Purity - 0% (0 of 19 points)
Legal Purity - 15% (3 of 20 points)
Spiritual purity - 73% (8 of 11 points)
My soul is willing but my body is bruised and spongy
80%, does this qualify me for ?
Edit: The fuck is spiritual purity and why do I have 100%?
The chief of
I'm a fucking prude, mostly because I have not yet had the opportunity to have sex and I've never tried drugs and like 60% of the quiz is sex and drugs. Gotta work on getting those numbers down!
This is basically identical to where I'm at.
Your purity is 92%
Purity | Percent |
Moral purity | 90% |
Sexual purity | 87% |
Social purity | 95% |
Legal purity | 95% |
Spiritual purity | 100% |
I lost my virginity with my best friend's girlfriend, while my best friend was in the same hotel room, while he was taking photos. And I did it with a hat trick.
I don't think I need to take this quiz to know what I'd score.
High five!
Hell yeah, 0% moral purity. Moralists btfo
(33% overall)
@[email protected] let's see your score
Posted higher up. I came SO CLOSE to winning, but I've been able to dodge the cops so far.
i thought this was about rice why is it asking me about hand-holding
44% how on earth do you get the 'spiritual purity' to go down? you have to kick a puppy?
74% (40% moral - 73% sexual - 84% social - 85% legal - 100% spiritual)
At this time last year my score was 95% (85% - 93% - 100% - 100% - 100%). Apparently having a girlfriend (even for just a few months) corrupted my soul, 0/10 would not recommend.
Spiritual purity is what matters the most anyways
Fear my power
Mine averages below 25% (slightly higher spiritual for some reason). I guess I really am a
According to this comment section there are two kinds of user: Prude or deviant
Proudly deviating from the freakish perversion that is Christian Fascist purity culture.
Someone must be really sick and deviant to put sexuality and crime on the same scale. Condemning sex, which is a natural and good thing is somethig that Christians and Americans lile to do. Really weird that both these groups manage to reproduce.
Be gay do crime
What the hell is spiritual purity anyway?
Christian Fascist freaks. They didn't ask if I wash my feet before prayer. They didn't ask if I have separate dishes for meat and dairy. They didn't ask if I run the cows between bonfires on Samhain. They didn't ask of I leave whiskey and cigarettes for the Loa. They didn't ask if I take a sauna regularly. They didn't ask if I anoint my body with oil before battle. They didn't ask if I confess my sins. They didn't ask if I sacrifice a fatted oxen to the Olympians before undertaking a great endeavor.
The author of this "Test" is clearly beset by a deep spiritual malison. I would go so far as to venture that they are ridden by unclean spirits.
Also, I am extremely sexually pure. Like pure sexuality. Basically just an erect cock in cowboy boots. In Inanna we trust.
Okay looking through this I feel the need to defend my honor
I know you're all disappointed with my score but I want to be clear that the specific questions asked by the test paint a distorted picture and I have some physical attributes that are limiting.
Either you’re young, or you’ve had a pretty boring life so far lmao
"you're not fun unless your neurotransmitters are as fucked up as mine so that only sex, adrenaline, and drugs can make me feel happy"
I'm 25% but if your idea of fun has to include sex, drugs, or crime, you're not an interesting person
I mean, more than half of these are like “have you ever held hands” “did you dance without leaving room for Jesus”, (would that comma go inside or outside the quotation??) “have you ever been sent to the office at school”. It’s not exactly “have you ever done pcp and had a shootout with the police”.
But also. I feel you, and I didn’t intend to invalidate anyone, and I’m sorry that I did. I will be more careful in what I say in the future, and thank you for calling me out.
How do you lead a more interesting life without being rich, or going broke?
Why does having an interesting life need to require large amounts of money? 4 friends and an apartment can have a whole lot of fun for pretty cheap.
Hmm; because meeting people costs money. You have to go places, and be presentable, both of which cost money.
There are many recreational activities that are free or cheap. I do Kung Fu, and It’s $20/wk. You can play pick up games of football, basketball, soccer, frisbee golf, etc. you can join a hiking group(if you’re near hiking areas), you can look into activities at your local library or recreation center, if you have one. If you’re a drinker, find a dive bar with $3-5 pitchers of PBR and nurse a single pitcher all night.
I understand that we are increasingly being priced out of “third spaces”, and that socializing is becoming more expensive, but there are still ways to do so cheaply, and it is ever more important to do so in our increasingly atomized world.
Okay, but like... I still can't really talk to people that I just met.
I know that feeling. What I did, that helped with that, was put myself in a situation where I didn’t really have a choice, in my case martial arts. Alcohol is what I used when I was younger to loosen up, but if you go that route, beware dependence, which is what happened to me. After getting sober, my anxiety was even worse than before I started drinking, and only really has started settling down since I got into martial arts, which pushes me past my comfort zone every time I go.
I got 31%, which makes me damn near a centrist in these comments.