why would you want a book as an image file?? just search for the book en ebook format elsewhere. Is it a college class book? post the title and we'll help you look
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Aren't college class books usually on libgen?
Do any of these help?
Also as @[email protected] suggested, there are these options
This link has more books and 1 or two new releases but not all the new books.
It's a shame there isn't an app that can download the book when I view It online.
Thanks, but thoae are old books and the ones on the paid link are updated. :(
I personally like https://annas-archive.org/ for pirating my books, or one of the libgen mirrors if it's not there
Thanks, this did help and had 1 or two new releases but not the collection in the link I posted.
Many websites allow you to download books. I don't know the one you're using specifically, but you can probably find the book somewhere else.
Thank you. The 830 page book that I found as individual previews on some Chinese site, downloaded each page separately as image (which it was giving for previews), and put together into 1 PDF over the course of 3 days is also there, on libgen.is.
For who wondering and less time for digging around, the OP have to subcribe for at least £431.00 per year on https://shop.theiet.org/product/gold-package-1-yr-subscription