aaaand black people are now telling me to kill myself in on insta under the comments of this video because im telling them thats theres nothing racist about this. the sinophobia is insane. this shit gets to me.
Breadtube if it didn't suck.
Post videos you genuinely enjoy and want to share, duh. Celebrate the diversity of interests shared by chapochatters by posting a deep dive into Venetian kelp farming, I dunno. Also media criticism, bite-sized versions of left-wing theory, all the stuff you expected. But I am curious about that kelp farming thing now that you mentioned it.
Low effort / spam videos might be removed, especially weeb content.
There is a cytube that you can paste videos into and watch with whoever happens to be around. It's open submission unless there's something important to commandeer it with at the time.
A weekly watch party happens every Saturday (Sunday down under), with video nominations Saturday-Monday, voting Monday-Thursday. See the pin for whatever stage it's currently in.
That's wild. I interpreted this as, "other cultures only make good food on the weekends, but Ethiopians go hard seven days a week!" That's a huge compliment.
people see a Chinese person and look for the worst faith interpretation but then turn around and (correctly) demand white people always give us grace when theres a cultural confusion. like how everyone was correctly making fun of white people for getting mad at jamie fox for using a common black expression last week, but people cant even think that there could be something they dont understand about people on the other side of the world. im banging my head against the wall. i just want solidarity yall.
and its alway the people living in the imperial core too. like your government lies to YOU about YOUR history maybe just maybe they could lie to you about other people.
Yeah I never even heard about people getting mad at Jamie Fox but I'm part Jewish and his tweet didn't sound antisemitic to me
In fact shit like this distracting from actual antisemitism being on the rise, including literal fucking nazis being funded by our government, really pisses me off and I really don't appreciate how they keep trying to drive this wedge between black people and jewish people as well as the way they use sinophobia and asians model minority status to further divide the people
I can't help feel like there a real effort on behalf of the ruling class to keep us all divided to distract us from our common enemies
I can't help feel like there a real effort on behalf of the ruling class to keep us all divided to distract us from our common enemies
YES! especially since we have had solidarity many times in the past. I love my Asian and Jewish and other minority comrades so much it hurts. Also I didnt even see actual notable jewish people trying to call Jamie Fox antisemitic it was just non jewish white nonsense.
shit like this distracting from actual antisemitism being on the rise
That's what gets me about "any criticism of Tel Aviv is antisemitic".
I'm part Jewish
I'm genuinely curious, how? I thought being Jewish depended on if your mother was Jewish. Just trying to learn more about other cultures.
The world would be a significantly less awesome place without love in it.
i yearn for the love ethic that bell hooks and Cornell West talked about to fill our hearts once again. love has always been the source of our strength and I feel everyone growing colder everyday. glad i have my comrades
I was using your pronouns <3 But yes that too.
haha i see what you meant. so sweet!
A lot of them probably aren't even Black. White people love their digital Black face. They do it for other races as well, and many of them purposely do it to incite racial division. Recently, I've seen some purported Chinese national on Twitter spewing a lot of anti-Black crap except it was really obvious the person behind the account is a mayo from the obviously AI-generated Asian face to getting basic Chinese history wrong.
thats a very good point.
Their student meals look so good omg
What the fuck happened to food in all the white countries other than France and Portugal?
i do love a chocolate croissant. best white food is mashed potatoes. followed by pasta. then pizza.
Caribbean food is the best in the world
strong agree
caribbean food deserves so much more love around the world than it currently gets, I pit Caribbean food up against anyone, and thats not just national pride speaking. I hear its popping off in the uk though.
Could you give me a selection of nice dishes? I only ever had Caribbean BBQ and am always up to broaden my palette.
I learned on Hexbear about roasted green tea which is tasty.
dumplings, plantians, peas and rice, hibiscus sweet tea (it had a specific name i dont remember i drank so much as a kid), guava duff,beef patty, jerk chicken, curry chicken (the best meal in the entire world, we make it better than anyone else ill fight you in a parking lot, i dont eat meat anymore so I use soy curls or make curry chickpeas), oxtail is extremely popular, steamed chicken, and our national pride conch eat it fried or in salad but its not gonna taste good unless its fresh and im pretty sure florida has the only good conch in America. although climate change and over fishing is ruining that too i hear. also they marinate the fried chicken in this sauce i cant describe but its the best friend chicken in the world. you can veganize most things its about the spices.
CW animal harm
Like this but with tofu/seitan?
With Jamaican curry powder?
yes personally my tofu falls apart in stews, i use soy curls or chickpeas. or curry seitan would probably work. this is a typical jamacain recipe it will be good. yes you do need that much seasoning. add lemon juice and personally i dont use ginger but im not Jamaican my dads from a diff island. we also add dumplings its flour corn meal an water that you boil to make dumplings its good.
Thanks a lot, love :)
its still nice they like the Ethiopian food they say its fun and chaotic like the weekend.
I have no idea what this means but it sounds friendly
It feels to me like if you're saying something like that without the context of segregation and with a society that collaborates with Africa in the Belt and Road, then it seems innocuous enough.
The American music artist and actor "The Weekend" is of Ethiopian descent. He grew up in North America but the major metropolitan cities in the US and Canada have large Ethiopian communities. Since North American music and entertainment reaches international audiences, I assume some of the Chinese public is aware of him and if they spent any time working in Ethiopia or the US they probably consumed some of his work.
Fun fact, we celebrate New Year on September 11th each year.
Fuck I want injera now
I've never had black people food. I live in an area that would make Floridian suburbs look like a cultural melting pot. What is it like?
im my biased opinion, black food is the most rich and diverse cuisine in the world. i could write many books about it and never fully encapsulate the love, history, and flavor that goes into our food. i tried a couple times in tis post but it got out of hand. high on the hog is a great docuseries that explores black American and African food that I like. But food is one of those things you MUST try firsthand even if you are just making it at home, but you should really try to go to some black owned restaurants for the real deal if you ever travel. EDIT: and for all the vegans you have no excuse. back people are the fastest growing vegan demographic (a point of pride), and theres black vegan restaurant in most mid size cities ive been to in the south and its always the BEST vegan food in the area. check out Ethiopian and Jamaican places they often have vegan options.
Could you post your favorite dishes? Doesn't matter if vegan or not, I'll veganize them myself as much as I can. It's a cuisine I'm really interested in, I have enough african shops where I live that even oddities of ingredients should be procureable but I just have 0 idea where to start at and every time I google it it's all entirely south african food
copying another comment asking about Caribbean dishes
dumplings, plantians, peas and rice, hibiscus sweet tea (it had a specific name i dont remember i drank so much as a kid), guava duff jerk chicken, beef patties, curry chicken (the best meal in the entire world, we make it better than anyone else ill fight you in a parking lot, i dont eat meat anymore so I use soy curls or make curry chickpeas), oxtail is extremely popular, steamed chicken, and our national pride conch eat it fried or in salad but its not gonna taste good unless its fresh and im pretty sure florida has the only good conch in America. although climate change and over fishing is ruining that too i hear. also they marinate the fried chicken in this sauce i cant describe but its the best friend chicken in the world. you can veganize most things its about the spices.
as for black southern food try collard greens, mac and cheese, candied yams, fried mushrooms, okra, grits (not sure how that would be vegan, use LOTS of vegan butter) cornbread, black eyed peas, and sweet potato pie.
im blessed to be surrounded by black vegan restaurants if you are too you MUST go. i command you.
also i cant recommend any african foods because i dont cook any (yet) i just go to this vegan Ethiopian place and order a little of everything and make my partner eat anything I dont like lol.
curry is the best place to start and the pre mixed spice powders are good just look for "Jamaican curry". add onions bell peppers and a protein and dumplings and potatoes, lemon juice, garlic powder and you have my favorite food.
High on the Hog
thanks for the rec!
hope you like it! its my favorite food doc.
Due to the historical trading and migrational nature of black history, Black food heavily varies. Some cultures like in some parts of east Africa have trade routes and cuisines that share some simularities to Indian cuisine. Blacks who migrated to the Americas have cuisine based on the region they lived in, be it the American south, the various islands in the Carribean or elsewhere.
Black food heavily takes influence to whomever they had trade with, or in context of the America, which colonial power. Its why Cajun and Haitian Cuisine has a French influence, American south with well, American influence, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic with Spanish influence, and any coastal African port countries following the Portuguese trade route have Portugese and Indian (as India was the intended destination spot) influence, mixed with whatever local population there is on said area.
Its hard to describe black food in a general sense because that answer is, it depends. Its like trying to generalize Chinese food when different regions in china have their own style, where sichuan food is spicy, Xian food tends to be more warming(due to colder climate), what most people think of when they say Chinese food is Guangdong/Cantonese food.
The elephant in the room is that the cultural cuisine of black people in the United States is heavily influenced by being enslaved for generations.