So was this some audio/video con?
no context
A place for posting anything out of context. Please caption any posts PIC
Yeah, this was from IBC 2024.
Wtf dude you just robbed me of my imagination
Oh no.
I... Can't make things up anymore
My imagination
Is dead!!!
You're a MONSTER
International Bunny Convention?
Root beer?
- rock climbing wall
- dildo/fleshlight testing array
- dildo/fleshlight climbing wall
Dildo silencers.
A nice pre-lubed dildo climbing wall really tests your cock-grip.
Cock grips actually, there is multiple techniques.
Damn I figured it was a mortuary or something.
"These are my trophies of all the live interviewers I have eaten"
That’s the industry term for the fluffy wind breakers on a microphone. They’re called that because they look like dead cats.
Gotta use ma shotgun for a deadcat
No no, you put a dead cat on a shotgun
It's funnier if you start with a living one.
Dang, serial killer trophies con?