Since it's easy to blindly trust something that supports your point of view, and this picture could have easily been anyone, or no one, here's a real source.
Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam in braccas mea vide
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I appreciate this.
Notably not a drag queen
100% of zero is still zero.
Still, the odds of a drag queen harming me pales in comparison to the odds of a conservative harming me.
He's not a pedophile, he's ephebophile. That's different! ~~/s~~
This kind of absolutism only furthers the division that Russia wants.
Not all MAGA supporters are child rapists, there are predators everywhere. Although saying MAGA is run by a child rapist is correct.
Maybe they aren't but being a child rapist doesn't seem to bother them unless they're not white or are trans, etc.
In the same way that ACAB, All Republicans are Bastards. They either are child rapists or do not care that their politicians are child rapists.
Either way, they are bastards