Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't that fuck over a lot more places than the US?
You mean stores that exist where microcenter doesn't? Or what?
Because of South Park, I occasionally end sentences with that phrase, per se.
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart.
It seems like the kind of game that sort of requires a lot of time to make it really click, but I wasn't having fun within the first 2 hours, so it got refunded.
The very second prices come down on their own, with nothing Trump did affecting it, he and his cult will point and say "SEE?!"
I've already seen "Trump is better than Biden, actually." from ml.
Probably the cherry-picking of which beliefs to follow based on convenience, rather than just wanting to be a better person for the sake of it.
~~League~~ of ~~Legends~~
Left over Flavor Aid gifted from the neighbors that seem to have disappeared...
A Hideo Kojima inspired porno, no doubt.