Looking forward to their first real admirals show down
One Piece
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I'm not sure if we're getting an admiral showdown. This chapter seems full of possibly misleading information.
On the last page, Kizaru is starting his action and the next panel Luffy is feeling someone very strong is coming. Kizaru is already there, he is not coming. It can't be him. Oda is just showing one panel after the other to mislead readers. So who is coming? Could be Blackbeard and crew for a showdown, a triple showdown or an escape.
Same for Vegapunk1, Sunny, coup de burst, Elbaf? This is just too clean and simple, so I think this will certainly not happen straight forward as announced.
Or Rob Lucci in this chapter. In 1075, they formed a temporary alliance to get out of the Seraphim situation. In this chapter we get our faces put multiple times on the info that Rob Lucci is a mastermind, forwarding intel to the Wgov, initiating the attack on Egghead, Kizaru praising him, the battleship captains saying his name before the attack. This is again just so straight forward in our faces that it's making me sceptical. There could be or could not be other actions of Rob Lucci on Egghead than shown in this chapter.
Elbaf finally? Been waiting since alabaster.
The official release/translation is out since today
Very interesting on the last panel and a huge difference to the fan translations:
With that translation, that he is already there and not "coming", it must be Kizaru
Cannot wait to see this fight!!
It's gonna be exciting to see how the crew weasels their way out of this one. The WG seems determined to kill them. I think it's also interesting to note that the 5 elders have no reservations to make sacrifices but don't want to kill the betraying Stella even tho she isn't that important anymore. Maybe she knows too much
Hyppeeeeeee!!!! And sanji really showing that he’s one of the straw hats brain, instantly disabling kaku using Nani’s bubble gun! ❤️
Siri vs lucci, hope zoro wipe the floor with this backstabber.
Luffy vs kizaru! It’ll probably be short one, regardless I hope luffy is dominant one here.